Is America a force for good?

The US is also more hypocritical about it and deludes itself into thinking it's a force of good more than most other places.

At least we have a record of helping others on a massive scale. No other country can boast that.


Torn & Frayed.
As I said in the other thread, what is "good"? Your idea and mine are probably two different things. It's all relative.

I think some of the the things we're doing now under the guise of being "good" are some fucked-up repugnant shit-especially to our own, but who am I to judge?


Pattheprovo, really ... what is the point of this thread?

To me, it amounts to nothing more than anti-american sentiment.

What do you hope to accomplish through your 'venting'?

And, if Irish, surely you have more pressing concerns ...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Wiki lol.....Dude I ain't even going to bother getting my soviet land power textbook out that I bought ages ago. And I am sure the book was subject to academic peerage you know that little thing we do in europe.



Wiki lol.....Dude I ain't even going to bother getting my soviet land power textbook out that I bought ages ago. And I am sure the book was subject to academic peerage you know that little thing we do in europe.

One Vodkazvictim leaves, another shows up. :hairpull::hairpull::hairpull:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Pattheprovo, really ... what is the point of this thread?

And, if Irish, surely you have more pressing concerns ...

Like sending a troupe of big boobed Irish girls to Germany and Finland before the big boobed Greek, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese girls convince the Germans and Finns to fund their bailouts first?

Time is a wasting! Now's no time to be debating about Russian fighter planes. Checks are about to start bouncing! And (as we know) Berlusconi knows more big boobed girls personally than probably exist in all of Ireland. So he's already got a leg up. Hurry! :boobies:
It's all going to go bottom up....And the US is no exception

Then let's have a big, rockin', loud, cops-will-be-called party...and when the cops come, you all are invited to my little station up on the moon...why do we have to argue still? Especially here? On FreeOnes? Really?

Seriously, my moonbase fucking rocks. Ya'll love it. :D
Man don't call the cops <facepalm> Now I gotta flush all this shit.

PS> Err hello mr officer. There's peeps! Peeps in my house! I don't know how they got here? Come quick.


Works for panties
^You do know because I can't be arsed looking up all the statistics or information online I will just cite a fact I know of the top of my head. Its well documented that western civilization, The US as well. Ripped of the APC from the soviets....Fact and I hardly think it was gerry scientists either.

So much for a 'fact.' Even though johnnystyro cited Wikipedia (which as I have pointed out to many people around here it cannot be trusted), what is in that (atleast the first two paragraphs anyway, I'm not sure about the Canadians) is actually correct, and anyone who knows history (or watches the History or Military Channel) can tell you that. The Brits invented the tank and the APC to go along with it in WWI.

From Armored Personnel Carrier - noun, a tracked military vehicle with a steel or aluminum hull used to transport troops in combat and usually fitted with light armament. Abbreviation: APC , (military) an armored vehicle (usually equipped with caterpillar treads) that is used to transport infantry

In other words, anything armored that carries personnel into battle, whether called an 'APC' at the time or not.

Also, I forgot the Russians ripped off our AIM-9 Sidewinder. It wasn't good (needed 2 shots for 1 hit) when they ripped it off, and their version was worse (fire all 4 and still probably won't hit anything).

PS> The triangle is considered important across many ideals and well maths.

How is that 'ironic?'