Profit is not a dirty word, and if "many" have been hurt by them, it's been their own doing. Weak will power is not the fault of the guy who just wanted to make a buck on the corner.
I mean, dude- it's rock, you buy the shit, cut it up five or six times, cook it with baking soda.... You can (And I have) make those at home quite easily. I wouldn't say the crack cocaine hurts people, as you have asserted. All living organisms need stimulation, want to have a good time- how they do it is irrelevant.
crack was probably never made to be smoked daily. But then, would you say that coca cola or red bull is "hurting" people if someone goes and sits down drinks four or five cans? The world has a serious hate on for recreational drugs, but remember- if people didn't smoke it all the time, it wouldn't be that big of a problem.
But people do. PEOPLE do, and so really, much like fast food or starbucks, it's their responsibility.
But to claim that cocaine has anything in common with a commercially available product that is ingested by millions all over the world, has a dollar menu and a happy meal and causes obesity, diabetes and heart disease is quite a leap (or is it?). meth and crack physically destroy your brain to give you a feeling of intoxication, and Fast Food psychologically makes you feel good while destroying your body.
This guy basically created the cheap and easy way to get high- quite a nifty invention. RIP, sir.