indian women are getting hotter

Priya Rai has always caught my attention man! Soo fucking hot with her sexy body and big tits! I wanna find a nice video of her to jack off too now lol

Get more pictures of her up!
Priya Rai is what sparked it for me. Though back in the day I was a big fan of Devi's. I still am, but don't go back to her as much.

she's got it in all the right places ;)

i do have to say though, i wish she had a sexy indian accent or even a british accent. would make it all the hotter.

she is what i imagine all those "nice and proper" but sexy looking indian girls are like once you get em behind closed doors.

i've only been with one indian girl so far, something I never thought I would ever do, and she was a god damn minx in the sack. just had to tease it outta her a bit lol
They probably always had hot woman, like most places in the world do. It's more of a perception when one doesn't see them like people do now, especially from a culture that's considered conservative. :dunno:
They probably always had hot woman, like most places in the world do. It's more of a perception when one doesn't see them like people do now, especially from a culture that's considered conservative. :dunno:

yeah true. i guess growing up where I did, there were barely any indian people at all.

now, where there are tons, where I live now, I am seeing that the couple I had known back in the day did not represent all of them.

not to get too controversial here, but it almost seems the more I notice how goofy or irritating a lot of the indian guys are, the more I notice how hot their women are and how different they are from the guys in terms of personality.

i know, it's just in my head I am sure, and some of my coworkers aint too bad. i am sure some of em are irritated because i cant stop looking their women up and down lol i guess i'd be irritated too.
Wow, Ayesha and Bipasha are stunning as well. Bipasha is so fuckin' sexy.

Is it wrong that I cant stop thinking about how these indian chicks must have the "kama sutra" in their blood? lol

hmm dont know why freeones is linking to "Rikki Lee" when i type in the words "kama" and "sutra" together, but whatever.
nuthin too explicit here but i love this traditional look, shows off more hot indian asses lol would love my own personal harem of indian girls with all these chicks-




Take a look at Sunny Leone, she'll blow your socks and rocks off!

or maybe i am just noticing them more.

first, i'll say right off the bat i am not a "politically correct" person, so no offense intended to anyone in advance. just giving my honest opinions here.

i used to not notice indian girls at all. the couple that i used to know where I used to live were frankly wildebeasts (just being honest here).

but I moved to a new town with TONS of indian people. that, in itself, has a lot of its annoyances (mostly a lot of the indian men i work with), which I wont get into here, but I have noticed that at least half, if not most, of the indian women around here are at least cute, to downright stunning. I have given myself whiplash from all the double takes I have given to these hot pieces of exotic indian ass :evil:

i've totally developed a fetish for them. helps that i am noticing more and more that they are fans of big white meat, even if a lot of em are vegetarian and it drives the indian guys crazy :elaugh:

so, in honor of my newfound discovery these sexy indian ladies, I thought I'd post up some pics. some are NSFW.

that's good for now heh heh