don't hate the playa hate the game. if you only knew what these two gorgeous ladies look like you would be doing the same thing I am. Most men cheat on their wives and girlfriends whichever is the case with several women and they go out there dating other women. I don't do that. I am being faithfull to these 2 women that I been knowing for a while now. I don't do one night stands, or have sex with whoever. As long as I don't hurt their feelings, making them happy, fullfillin their needs then I have not done any wrongs.
Ok, anyone notice how he first tries to justify that he is cheating on them both, and then he says he isn't doing it?
I'm just going to point this out in the simplest way possible... with
Faithful = Not sleeping with someone else when you are with someone
Not being faithful, aka 'Cheating' = Sleeping with someone else when you are with someone
Being with Girl #1 + Having sex with Girl #2 = Not being faithful
Being with Girl #2 + Having sex with Girl #1 = Not being faithful
Not being faithful x 2 = You are the biggest turd in the world and someone should have flushed you down the toilet years ago... :ban: