Impersonations Of Famous People Pretty Much Anyone Can Do Or Thinks They Can Do


Torn & Frayed.
Christopher Walken
I keep coming across videos where one guy is doing multiple impersonations of people and apparently no one on the planet can get Morgan Freeman right. They either make him sound too George Bush or little old lady.


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Sean Connery.... Everyone thinks they do the best Sean Connery impersonation.



Was King of the Board for a Day
Impersonations I do fairly well, based on audience ratings:

Bill Clinton
Morgan Freeman
Assorted characters from The Simpsons
Randy Savage
Hulk Hogan
Diedrich Bader
Christian Bale's Batman

Those are all that come to mind at the moment, I get a lot of practice at work with patients when I try to make them laugh. I'm currently working on Phil Hartman and Mark Hamill's Joker, but those are fucking hard.

Anyways, people always seem to think that Nicolas Cage is easy to impersonate, maybe it's because it's not as much his voice as it is just changing your pitch and screaming every other word.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Keith Richards.

Although it helps if I'm drunk... and you're drunk.