I'll still go there for film info. Between reading stuff on IMDb and watching trailers on YouTube I've been able to learn about many movies I wasn't aware of which has lead to some solid Blu-ray purchases.
Will, you ever check out Reddit? I just downloaded the app and found info about a good Japanese Horror Film which I watched tonight.
I have thought about going to Reddit, but I hear they started cracking down on certain things.
That will not make me want to go to any site.
I think it's a dumb move, like when yahoo shut down Geocities, just another example of the facebook-ization of the internet. It used to be nice to have choices, the opportunity to cultivate different online personas, and not just interact with the same old stale friends list from the dominate social media outlet.
Variety and choice is what the Internet should be.
Geocities should come back.
I don't think it's a stupid for the website to shut its message boards. There's mostly trolling on their boards from what I seen. If people want to criticize a movie they can just visit the movie's social media websites and say what they have to say about it. But I guess trollers are afraid of people knowing their true identities.
There will always be trolling. Some trolls are better than others.
Visit the movies site, then you have to register. Not many will do that.
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are dying, because of PC and Anita Sarkeesian.
The Internet would be better without trolls like Anita.
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. Anthony Daniels (psychiatrist)