They tend to have issues with their mom and dad and have low self esteem. Women with low self esteem settle for trashy guys who leave them.
This is a common theme among many people who exclusively date interracially. They have self-hate issues.
If you read articles written by east Asian, black, Indian, White folks whatever you want they'll point it out.
It makes sense seeing that interracial dating is only done by a minority of each group. Some people have no choice to date out and others don't see color, just see the personality. Then you have the folks who will not date anyone of their own race, and those tend to be the ones with a lot of issues.
The ones who tend to be trashy looking single moms/dads with a chip on their shoulder.
It's a result of bad parenting.
and don't twist things. bio said some people who only date out of their race have self hate issues, not all and not serious mental issues.
he also said some look past color and only at personality, but you chose to ignore that one.
Too bad there aren't really any Cliff's Notes on the subject of reading between the lines but thankfully BDG provided a classic example to deconstruct.
He could have said the more practical and realistic reasoning being simple preference. But here are each of his reasons white women (for the purposes of this thread since that's the context laid out by the OP) are involved in interracial relationships;
1. They have issues with their mom or dad.
2. They have low self esteem.
3. They're beset with self hatred.
4. They have no choice.
5. They don't see color but personality.
6. Bad parenting.
Seeing as the No. 1 reason is most likely personal preference, BDG doesn't list it once among his 6 reasons. Now you (meester) would likely conclude the suggestion of not seeing color but personality as equal to saying personal preference.
Ahh, but is it really? Every one of his reasons serves a negative connotation. While the most harmless, practical reason (preference) is conspicuously absent. Even his suggestion of not seeing color but personality implies a negative excuse as there are people who see those who don't distinguish by race as having a problem too. He has alluded to some significance in racial distinction tirelessly in his posts.
So in spite of his elaborate outlining of 6, apparently separate reasons..when you read between the lines there emerges only 1, most (if not all by his observation) people who involve in interracial relationships have some psycho/sociological issue.
You question my use of the word 'most'? Well, aside from the 6 reasons really equaling 1....when you look at what he says of those who date exclusively interracial he attributes 'a common theme among..'. Common theme just about equals 'most' IMO.
This is what some people think you might have missed.:2 cents: