Im online,..:-) XXXX Bobbi Eden

Bobbi Eden

Official Checked Star Member
georges said:
that is truely understandable. did you have scenes with condoms?

For the most big companys like wicked ... they always use condoms only. but for gonzo its without condom..

TO be honest , ofcourse it safer, but its not really a turn on for me and sometimes is verry annoying having trouble with those suckers hheheeh :) and if you get *ucked with condom , but give a blowjob without i think its useless to be bothered anyway. doesnt make sense at all.


I to would like to thank both Terri and Bobbi For being here ang giving up there free time any also Terri for answering several of my othe rposts over the last few weeks . Im still a bit concered why Violatior hasnt turned up. Do U both answer your private messesages on Freeones ?
do you girls alot of times just go threw the motions during movies or are any of the orgasms real? Describe a scene that most turned you on.
Bobbi Eden said:
I m still saving money for driverlicense and lessons.. hahah
And my boyfriend and I have a Buggy Ruska Sprinter, and a Scirocco VW

But I hope I get my BMW Z3 m coupe , when i get my licence, only need to make more $$ hahah

good choice i thaught that your answer will be a chevrolet corvette or jaguar but a z3 is a very good car. you have good very good taste bobbi:hatsoff::thumbsup:
Terri Summers said:
hehehehe we both drive the car outside the supermarket...the one you have to put money in so it will go for a few minutes... hehehee

well i would like a beetle when i ever get my licence..the plan is in february!!!

If you don't mind I'll be you're instructor... Terri, turn left, right, slow faster, mind the pedestrians.....;)

Terri Summers

Official Checked Star Member
spike said:
do you girls alot of times just go threw the motions during movies or are any of the orgasms real? Describe a scene that most turned you on.

actually my horniest scene was one with ginger gold, and one with silvia me there was no faking whatsoever there!Thats what made it so cool, none of that posing stuff, we just went at, and before we knew it the crew were already having lunch!!hahaha
Terri...Bobbi...ladies..i know i will regret this later but i have to go now...i have a headache and i'm hungry. (...sorry):weeping:

This may sound like a dumb question from a bloke but do you ever get tired of having sex with anyone and everyone and just want to have a lifestyle of a husband and kids?
Do you have trouble developing relationships outside of the porn scene?

Bobbi Eden

Official Checked Star Member
Lisa said:
I to would like to thank both Terri and Bobbi For being here ang giving up there free time any also Terri for answering several of my othe rposts over the last few weeks . Im still a bit concered why Violatior hasnt turned up. Do U both answer your private messesages on Freeones ?

I try hun , .but email is much better then your sure I read that ;)