I'm old enough to remember this. I know others in here are. Are you?



That’s because it’s about their power and control over us.

They forget this is our country and we are their employers.



Closed Account
Not sure if I understand that statement...The guards shot the protesters when things started to escalate. Nixon infamously called the students bums, while one parent said "My daughter was not a bum". The whole event was a tragedy.
This event was such a tragedy. Terrible. Pair it with the debacle that was the Cambodian Campaign and you get even more tragedy.

What brought this to mind, Sam? It happened in May, and it was 1970, wasn't it? Not an anniversary or anything. Just curious.
This event was such a tragedy. Terrible. Pair it with the debacle that was the Cambodian Campaign and you get even more tragedy.

What brought this to mind, Sam? It happened in May, and it was 1970, wasn't it? Not an anniversary or anything. Just curious.

I was listening to the radio this morning and that song was played. It just got me to thinking how fucking corrupt our system is. That was a horrible time in our history.
I was 18 when Kent State happened...we wanted civil rights for all and to end the Vietnam war.............How come the young people today don't protest to end the Afganastan war?...same story as Vietnam 43 years later.
I was listening to the radio this morning and that song was played. It just got me to thinking how fucking corrupt our system is. That was a horrible time in our history.

It is a terrible part of the history of this nation. All nations have terrible parts of their history. I think the changes that came about from incidents like this, like the National Convention in Chicago that brought in armed guards, and similar events are to be enjoyed, and not lightly dismissed. I also think this is a good question:

I was 18 when Kent State happened...we wanted civil rights for all and to end the Vietnam war.............How come the young people today don't protest to end the Afganastan war?...same story as Vietnam 43 years later.

I wish we could motivate the people of this country to get off their asses, and care about ANYTHING. Nothing gets them going like it did in the 60s. I believe there's a reason for this: the post apathetic generation. No military draft, no depression, people becoming apathetic about their country and citizenship. Apathetic people raising kids. Post-apathy. It's alarming.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Wow. I live about 40 minutes from there. When they were trying to get a memorial built, I was dating a little tree hugger that lived, and worked there. She was VERY anti gun, as are most of the people that go and work there...in fact, there is a professor that teaches a class, solely based on how the Second Amendment is invalid, and not a right for people to own guns...or at least there used to be, about 20 years ago when I was with her. I was with her, when her, and her co workers were discussing the memorial, and how terrible it was that they couldn't get the funds they needed for the big spectacular monument they wanted, and someone made the mistake of asking my opinion...it wasn't received very well....and it wouldn't be here. However, at the time, all I really knew about it was, some hippies threw rocks at soldiers with guns...seems stupid, maybe they shouldn't be in the gene pool. Needless to say, I wasn't very well liked, and soon after we split.

Now, I feel a little different, I've read somethings, certain things were explained to me, and theories have come out...the one I believe is, a CIA agent, was taking photos of the protesters, and they didn't like it, so when they started to get a little bit "in his face", he drew his pistol and fired a couple rounds, which intern panicked the Guardsmen, and they in turn fired.

Yes, it was a tragedy, a needless one.

And the song is, "Ohio", by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young


Sammy, would you have us believe that you have spent the last 43 years in sympathy/support for a bunch of student/pacifist/hippie/Lefty protesters? Are you really trying to get us to believe that?


Hiliary 2020
i dont remember it happening but I remember the made for TV movie about it a few years later. plus I heard Ol Neil put it down.

hey wait a minute, is this another pro 2nd amendment thread? haha fool me once .

btw who said that quote " all you need is a haircut".....cant find it anywhere.little help.

seriously, kent state shootings was a terrible thing. waste of life.


It seems you have scared him away. i applaud you.

Well, scaring him and scaring him away are unfortunately, two different things. Sammy has been famous for his cowardice since he first showed up. Chickenshit, lack of integrity and dumb-as-a-doorknob are his trademarks. But he allegedly owns a lot of guns so in his world, he's a real man.
I wish we could motivate the people of this country to get off their asses, and care about ANYTHING. Nothing gets them going like it did in the 60s. I believe there's a reason for this: the post apathetic generation. No military draft, no depression, people becoming apathetic about their country and citizenship. Apathetic people raising kids. Post-apathy. It's alarming.

Two politicians are having an argument. One shouts, "You're lying" and the other responds, "Yes, but hear me out."

Since 1972 the percentage of voters between the age of 18-24 had been declining. I believe only 42% of these votes show up.

Decisions are made by those who show up.

I heard a poll showed that the majority of 18-25 year olds believe that General Hospital will outlast Social Security. This from a generation that believes the generation before them has ransomed their future. Is the government failing the young people or are the young people failing the government? The answer is probably a little of both.

The thing is, I get very frustrated at people not wanting to raise their expectations of the government. Why should we accept politics and the appeal to the lowest common denominator? In order to do that, we need to raise the expectations set on ourselves. If the youth doesn't have energy and passion, who does?

"Bartlet for America"
Two politicians are having an argument. One shouts, "You're lying" and the other responds, "Yes, but hear me out."

Since 1972 the percentage of voters between the age of 18-24 had been declining. I believe only 42% of these votes show up.

Decisions are made by those who show up.

I heard a poll showed that the majority of 18-25 year olds believe that General Hospital will outlast Social Security. This from a generation that believes the generation before them has ransomed their future. Is the government failing the young people or are the young people failing the government? The answer is probably a little of both.

The thing is, I get very frustrated at people not wanting to raise their expectations of the government. Why should we accept politics and the appeal to the lowest common denominator? In order to do that, we need to raise the expectations set on ourselves. If the youth doesn't have energy and passion, who does?

"Bartlet for America"

Interestingly, I'm re-watching West Wing right now, and I just saw the episode where the opening line is said. It's a great show.

Yeah. There's never going to be a countercultural revolution again. 18 year old folks in this nation can't get off their ass and be motivated about anything.

(I'd vote Bartlet if I could.)
Interestingly, I'm re-watching West Wing right now, and I just saw the episode where the opening line is said. It's a great show.

Yeah. There's never going to be a countercultural revolution again. 18 year old folks in this nation can't get off their ass and be motivated about anything.

(I'd vote Bartlet if I could.)

The academic in me cringes at my plagiarism, but I figured anyone who knew The West Wing knew I stole all but the last paragraph (...and looking at it again, I think I stole a phrase in that too. Such is the impact of that show). Hopefully it was obvious it was done in good fun.

It is tough for me not to be as pessimistic as you write. I was born in the 60's, but not a product of that decade. I see too much lethargy and apathy in privileged and very bright young people in the students. I see them going after status and comfort. There are some that do burn with the passion of youth with the desire to do good. Those are the ones I spend time with. They literally are in my prayers not to get crushed or jaded. Even TIAA-CREF dropped "for the greater good" from their logo.

You may or may not be able to guess that I put my signature in place pretty much for the same reason that you created your thesis.


Hiliary 2020
It is a terrible part of the history of this nation. All nations have terrible parts of their history. I think the changes that came about from incidents like this, like the National Convention in Chicago that brought in armed guards, and similar events are to be enjoyed, and not lightly dismissed. I also think this is a good question:

I wish we could motivate the people of this country to get off their asses, and care about ANYTHING. Nothing gets them going like it did in the 60s. I believe there's a reason for this: the post apathetic generation. No military draft, no depression, people becoming apathetic about their country and citizenship. Apathetic people raising kids. Post-apathy. It's alarming.

a lot of groups still protest a lot.
some just don't and can't thanks to political correctness