Illuminati / NWO: The Conspiracy Theories

The only thing i think is so STUPID is on some documentarys, when they talk about the subliminal messages that the organisation use to tell everyone, such as logos in films, media and businesses. In one i seen the AOL sign on there, i mean really? just because it has a triangle in the logo doesnt mean its part of the secret society.

Yeeeeees. It's quite stupid. It means nothing. Nothing at all. hmm hmm... ha... haha... haHAHA. AAAAAHAHAHA MWAHAHAHAHAAA!

Swing my puppets! Swing to my every whim!

:glugglug: Fun and interesting thread man. Kudos.
Yeeeeees. It's quite stupid. It means nothing. Nothing at all. hmm hmm... ha... haha... haHAHA. AAAAAHAHAHA MWAHAHAHAHAAA!]quote

Swing my puppets! Swing to my every whim!]

:glugglug: Fun and interesting thread man. Kudos.
Before you can erase it... solid post. :thumbsup:

Sounds like you. :)
love reading about how we are all sheepeople, i do really
and since we all know about it we live with the knowledge of it and never do anything about it, but if we do we were going to do it anyway or lead to it by a ghost hand

Will E Worm

I do believe that there are societies that work behind the wheels of the ever-changing governments.

But these societies aren't Freemasons or such, these societies are the major companies.

Who do you think owns these companies? Freemasons.....;)

Nice one Will E but i sometimes think the things about the hip hop artists being involved with the illuminati is a bit ridiculous, but i could be totally wrong of course.

I believe you're wrong. But, you did say you just started looking into it, so I'll cut you a break.
There's too many things in the music that can be connected for it to be all

The only thing i think is so STUPID is on some documentarys, when they talk about the subliminal messages that the organisation use to tell everyone, such as logos in films, media and businesses. In one i seen the AOL sign on there, i mean really? just because it has a triangle in the logo doesnt mean its part of the secret society.

Again, the same thing. Too much of the same symbologies to be coincidences.
There are many subliminal messages. Just continue to look into this and you will see.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Will, knock it off.

Freemasons etc aren't in control of anything.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Will, knock it off.

Freemasons etc aren't in control of anything.
Listen, If there is a Giant conspiracy like those fucking whackjobs all say dont you think someone would stand up and say:

"Yeah its ALL true I was part of this giant conspiracy to help this dude become Ruler of the known universe and and I helped on some very seemingly insignifigant level to help His plan of Universal rule go forward. Furthermore Susan I wouldnt be the least bit suprised to hear that they were all smoking marijuana cigarettes. our plan was this- . . . . . . - and we would have gotten away with it too if it wasnt for those meddleing kids and their insane intelligence to sniff out the smallest piece of evidence, that we as a giant NEW WORLD ORDER Group of millions of illuminate worldwide could not hide or cover up with our billions of dollars. Because of some kid with a 50 dollar video editing program and to much time on his hands has figured out our evil plans."

We had a president (Mr. Clinton) who couldnt even keep a blowjob secret from the american people let alone his fucking wife. Who still thinks that millions (because come on that wouldnt even be enough for world domination)can keep a secret of world domination for an elite few.


or maybe I work for the man to get you all off our trails.:thefinger
Again, the same thing. Too much of the same symbologies to be coincidences.
There are many subliminal messages. Just continue to look into this and you will see.

Some of the symbols i see do make me think about it, such as actually how much the "all seeing eye" pops up, its virtually everywhere. I just think some are really overboard, another one i seen was accusing one of our newspapers over here, because its called "The Sun" its been said that they have something to do with the illuminati because illuminati means illuminated ones - enlightened ones etc.

Of course in all these videos it shows you that the media is controlled by a larger group of elites so you never know. Some people might read this and think what the fuck? but never mind....

Listen, If there is a Giant conspiracy like those fucking whackjobs all say dont you think someone would stand up and say:
"Yeah its ALL true I was part of this giant conspiracy to help this dude become Ruler of the known universe and and I helped on some very seemingly insignifigant level to help His plan of Universal rule go forward. Furthermore Susan I wouldnt be the least bit suprised to hear that they were all smoking marijuana cigarettes. our plan was this- . . . . . . - and we would have gotten away with it too if it wasnt for those meddleing kids and their insane intelligence to sniff out the smallest piece of evidence, that we as a giant NEW WORLD ORDER Group of millions of illuminate worldwide could not hide or cover up with our billions of dollars. Because of some kid with a 50 dollar video editing program and to much time on his hands has figured out our evil plans."

We had a president (Mr. Clinton) who couldnt even keep a blowjob secret from the american people let alone his fucking wife. Who still thinks that millions (because come on that wouldnt even be enough for world domination)can keep a secret of world domination for an elite few.


or maybe I work for the man to get you all off our trails.:thefinger

Not at all. The whole point of these videos, illuminati, skull and bones and other secret societys is to remain secret. They dont want any of there business to exposed in the slightest. Rockefellar was quoted saying something along the lines of "im greatful to all of those who attended our meetings and kept their promises not to expose any of our conversations". That just goes to show that their keeping something that they dont want the public to know.

If it was something that would help the public dont you think its better OUT than kept a SECRET?
Here is the secret handshake these vile people use in their secret society (it's so secret it has ton of vids and we all know the name of the groups and they use the secret handshake right out in open).They should be more carefull.

Queen and Blair Illuminati handshake

Another fitting vid lol.
Napoleon XIV They Are Coming To Take Me Away (with lyrics)
The reason why there is no secret society @ work to create a new world order or whatever is because people with any kind of power are fearfull, smallminded, greedy, territorial and competitive. Any attempt to create a new world order would quickly grind to a halt because of stupid childisch bickering.
Possibly my favorite conspiracy theory of all time is the Reptilians, I actually started a thread about it a couple months back:

There's a couple nice videos in there that "prove" :)1orglaugh) they exist. (Apologies for the typos)

But I would think there's a nice comparison that can be made between the two. Some people believe a certain set of individuals control the world in their secret groups and others believe that they're Reptilians who use holograms to hide their identity. That's where the differences end, other than that it's basically the same conspiracy. A conspiracy based on no evidence, or at least no evidence that a person isn't going to make wild assumptions about.

I read an article a while ago, I forget where so I can't find it if you want to read it. That states that people who buy into these things are usually trying in some way to escape the reality in which they live in (I'm not trying to be disrespectful). They take their problems, whether it is social or financial etc and push these problems onto something anything that makes them believe that it's not their fault. Which I can accept. You don't trust your government they why couldn't they hijack and fly planes into their own buildings, for example. And they overlook the vital facts that usually put these claims in their place because of it.

Again, I can't find this article so just take it as my opinion.
I read an article a while ago, I forget where so I can't find it if you want to read it. That states that people who buy into these things are usually trying in some way to escape the reality in which they live in (I'm not trying to be disrespectful). They take their problems, whether it is social or financial etc and push these problems onto something anything that makes them believe that it's not their fault. Which I can accept. You don't trust your government they why couldn't they hijack and fly planes into their own buildings, for example. And they overlook the vital facts that usually put these claims in their place because of it.

I can agree with that. Not because i feel the same way, but because sometimes you see people who preach this sort of stuff to the utmost. They dedicate their lifes to try and show people their views on the situation and make them believe.

Personally im happy with my life, so i dont think im going to turn into one of those people, i just find this sort of thing quite interesting, as it isnt as farfetched as other conspiracy theories usually are.
I can agree with that. Not because i feel the same way, but because sometimes you see people who preach this sort of stuff to the utmost. They dedicate their lifes to try and show people their views on the situation and make them believe.

I found the article mentioned in this blog:

But if you want to read the whole thing you have to pay. So I'm not going to be doing that. But the blogger who is a psychologist himself makes a pretty good attempt at taking you through it step by step.

Yes, I think taking an interest in these things is a healthy way of going about it. Flat out belief without looking into the facts of the situation is an unhealthy way of looking at anything - in my opinion.
these theories all fall down,

on one proposition -

how do you keep a secret :dunno: ?

- after watergate, mafia leaks etc in the us &
plenty of people regularly being caught doing dodgy shit in the uk & europe,
and talkin about it -

so how the f*ck do the new world order (lol) keep their secrets from the rest of the world for forty years ?

and now,
the people who find out about it - they are not the the times, guardian etc journalists from the uk
the the new york times or the washington post,


They are the weirdo, internet talk show / listen to the preacher
type journos or hosts, opinion formers ...

- not cool :D

( p s. : stone roses on bbc 4 :thumbsup: )