Given the context of this board, I don't go into very much detail in every proclamation I make. If for no other reason, I never got the impression anyone gives a shit how I felt.
I started and voted my adulthood by siding with Ronald Reagan. I am still a huge fan even though I, then and now, disagree with various individual stances/positions/laws/policies of his presidency. And I blush to admit that once upon a time I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. Again, some disagreements but overall in his corner. I voted for Bush Sr. He sucked. He lost Operation Dese rt Storm, he screwed every military member out of thousands of dollars while losing Dese rt Storm (including myself), he lost the easiest war that any military has ever had to fight and gave Saddam Hussein a decade-long pulpit to be a monumental douche-bag from.
I didn't vote for Clinton. Either time. I got indignant about his extra-marital affairs, like a good conservative should. I ignored the fact that he was a pretty good president.
Then along came Dubya. I don't indiscriminately hate the man. I have too many specific reasons too. And the day that I gave up the ghost with the Republican Party was Hurricane Katrina and the governments abysmal response to an obvious disaster. Between this and how utterly pissed that I remain that a Republican President screwed his country, his party and his platform by forming the utterly hopeless Dept. of Homeland Security and subsequent TSA ...... I cannot call myself a conservative anymore because of all the simpering idiots that still do. BTW, I can go on and on with what a disaster Dubya was. Patriot Act, Waterboarding, Iraq War, Stem cell research. The list goes on and on. And I've had enough.