I'll settle this once and for all.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You don't get to choose what other peoples positions are, Samantha, and whoever made your lame little graphic doesn't either. If all you do is repeat the party mantra, you're an even bigger sheep than you are a fag. There's nothing conservative about the current GOP, and it reflects in your party's nominee to run against Obama. Are you going to to vote for Mittens Romney, Samantha?
Shifty... there is only one thing in the differences between Liberals and Conservatives where I disagree with the Conservative view. And it is:

1. Euthanasia and Doctor Assisted Suicide: I believe adults have the right to die when they want, and if assisted by medical doctors, even better.

Wow, what a liberal commie socialist. Go back to Russia!
Col. Nathan R. Jessup was right.... "You can't handle the truth!" :busted:


It's quite obvious how much it hurts liberals when it's spelled out so precisely as to what the Liberal Ideology really is. There is no denying the differences between the Liberal and Conservative views/beliefs. It just goes to prove how weak and phony liberals are. When it's laid out like it is above in the first post, you liberals scatter like cockroaches when the lights are turned on.


How often in here, have you voiced your opposition to the Death Penalty?
How often in here, have you voiced your support for a woman having the right to have an abortion?
How often in here, have you voiced your opinion in support for 99% of the LEFT? (as shown in the layout above)
For example: Gun Control, Energy, War, Global Warming, Same Sex Marriages, Taxes, Welfare, etc, etc.

I think it's comical to see those in here who boast and claim to be proud liberals, run and hide and then kick and scream when the facts are shown as to what differentiates those on the left to those on the right.

At least Shifty asked me which of the above I agreed with or disagreed with. And I told him - The right of adults to be able to end their lives if they so choose. Where as conservatives are mostly opposed to that.

If you prefer... let's discuss each one, individually, and determine where you stand on that issue. Easy enough, yes?

In the immortal words of Joe Pesci, "Everything dat guy just said was bullshit." Where did you get the impression that liberals run from their beliefs? I clearly stated that I agree with 85% of the liberal platform. You want to pull your head out of your ass long enough to read what someone else posts?

How often in here, have you voiced your opposition to the Death Penalty?
Whenever it comes up,

How often in here, have you voiced your support for a woman having the right to have an abortion?
Whenever it comes up

How often in here, have you voiced your opinion in support for 99% of the LEFT? (as shown in the layout above)
What the fuck are you talking about. Seriously, others don't like you because of your beliefs. I don't like you because you are a semi-literate jackass that's too stupid to make his own points, while not shutting up about them either.

For example: Gun Control, Energy, War, Global Warming, Same Sex Marriages, Taxes, Welfare, etc, etc.
Refer to my last reply.

Again, I would like to see examples of how us liberals "run and hide".


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I think it's comical to see those in here who boast and claim to be proud liberals, run and hide and then kick and scream when the facts are shown as to what differentiates those on the left to those on the right.

Again you can't determine someone's ideological stance just by categorizing their views into two black-and-white categories. You're stupid if you try.

Allow me to prove you wrong once more.

  • Affirmative action: People should get jobs based on their skill (flaw in your theory #1).
  • Death penalty: Should be legal and should be punishment for murder, treason and rape, but heavily restricted. I seriously wish Canada had this back (flaw in your theory #2).
  • Gun control: I don't need a gun, but if a responsible person wants one I'm not going to object (flaw in your theory #3).
  • Health care: Health care works great in Canada, but it would be impractical in the US due to the costs, though it's funny how the "value of human life" is thrown out the window in a free market healthcare system (flaw in your theory #4).
  • Airport security: The fact is Muslims are more likely to be hostile towards the US and should be profiled, but any security measures taken against an innocent person should be held accountable (flaw in your theory #5).
  • Immigration: Illegal immigration should not be tolerated unless the immigrant is of value to the country (flaw in your theory #6).
  • Religion: There should be a seperation of church and government, but there is no problem with a government official expressing their faith or publically worshipping so long as it does not interfere with their duties/impartiality (flaw in your theory #7).
  • War on Terrorism: Terrorism should be fought, but the idea that you can fight it through conventional means is idiotic (flaw in your theory #8).

Well look at that. Eight discrepancies between your blanket theory and the views of a liberal. Not that it will change the viewpoint that you got from watching Fox News, of course.


Religion: There should be a seperation of church and government, but there is no problem with a government official expressing their faith or publically worshipping so long as it does not interfere with their duties/impartiality

Why does this sound so easy and yet, seems to be completely fucking impossible to accomplish? :mad:
If anyone thinks that I'm going to apologize for being 85% liberal, forget it. I use to be a conservative until a guy named Dubya came along and ended that for me.

Conservatism and liberalism are value systems, based on personal experience and worldview, as a core marker for how people think about the role of government as it relates to leadership of a country and as it relates to interaction with the individual. I understand not liking W., but how can one person's actions change your values? I understand how it would have the potential to change your voting behavior, but acting like George Bush spoke and acted on behalf of all conservatives is a bit dramatic, don't you think? I mean, his actions as President changed your total outlook on the function and purpose of government and the role and responsibility of the individual? That doesn't make sense to me that one person could have such a dramatic effect on your core values.

How can you go from being conservative, to being "85% liberal," simply because of the actions of George Bush? Even if you don't agree with what he did in his Presidency, or think that he wasn't representing conservative values as you thought he should have, how can his actions alone change your value system, and how you think about the role of government and the world around you?


My Penis Is Dancing!
Conservatism and liberalism are value systems, based on personal experience and worldview, as a core marker for how people think about the role of government as it relates to leadership of a country and as it relates to interaction with the individual. I understand not liking W., but how can one person's actions change your values? I understand how it would have the potential to change your voting behavior, but acting like George Bush spoke and acted on behalf of all conservatives is a bit dramatic, don't you think? I mean, his actions as President changed your total outlook on the function and purpose of government and the role and responsibility of the individual? That doesn't make sense to me that one person could have such a dramatic effect on your core values.

How can you go from being conservative, to being "85% liberal," simply because of the actions of George Bush? Even if you don't agree with what he did in his Presidency, or think that he wasn't representing conservative values as you thought he should have, how can his actions alone change your value system, and how you think about the role of government and the world around you?

I could be wrong, but perhaps he is saying that the term "conservative" itself changed, not himself.
At one time, the conservative effort centered more and monetary spending and small government - but not non-existent government. The likes of Eisenhower and the little known William McCulloch (local man, which is why I know him) were conservatives in that they championed spending less, yet still accepted the roll of the government in some areas (the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in McCulloch's case). Even Nixon followed this, somewhat.
However, 30 years ago, the roll and definition of "conservative" changed to a person who also looked at the social aspects of government. Religion became a very key part of this movement, to the point that instead of a small government, the conservative movement is moving towards just as large a government, just in different areas. Ages ago, my own father called himself a conservative. Nixon nudged him away from that, Reagan chased him away from the conservative political movement. There are many who would argue that Bush Junior did much more to push the social conservative movement to a point that many of those issues (church, marriage, sexual preference, sexual freedom) have become key issues, overshadowing the financial aspect of the argument - and that, in fact, Bush's actions during his term did more to hinder the financial conservative effort than help, especially with the financial collapse.
Then again, Mayhem could be thinking of something else and I am talking out of my ass.


Conservatism and liberalism are value systems, based on personal experience and worldview, as a core marker for how people think about the role of government as it relates to leadership of a country and as it relates to interaction with the individual. I understand not liking W., but how can one person's actions change your values? I understand how it would have the potential to change your voting behavior, but acting like George Bush spoke and acted on behalf of all conservatives is a bit dramatic, don't you think? I mean, his actions as President changed your total outlook on the function and purpose of government and the role and responsibility of the individual? That doesn't make sense to me that one person could have such a dramatic effect on your core values.

How can you go from being conservative, to being "85% liberal," simply because of the actions of George Bush? Even if you don't agree with what he did in his Presidency, or think that he wasn't representing conservative values as you thought he should have, how can his actions alone change your value system, and how you think about the role of government and the world around you?

Given the context of this board, I don't go into very much detail in every proclamation I make. If for no other reason, I never got the impression anyone gives a shit how I felt. :)

I started and voted my adulthood by siding with Ronald Reagan. I am still a huge fan even though I, then and now, disagree with various individual stances/positions/laws/policies of his presidency. And I blush to admit that once upon a time I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. Again, some disagreements but overall in his corner. I voted for Bush Sr. He sucked. He lost Operation Dese rt Storm, he screwed every military member out of thousands of dollars while losing Dese rt Storm (including myself), he lost the easiest war that any military has ever had to fight and gave Saddam Hussein a decade-long pulpit to be a monumental douche-bag from.

I didn't vote for Clinton. Either time. I got indignant about his extra-marital affairs, like a good conservative should. I ignored the fact that he was a pretty good president.

Then along came Dubya. I don't indiscriminately hate the man. I have too many specific reasons too. And the day that I gave up the ghost with the Republican Party was Hurricane Katrina and the governments abysmal response to an obvious disaster. Between this and how utterly pissed that I remain that a Republican President screwed his country, his party and his platform by forming the utterly hopeless Dept. of Homeland Security and subsequent TSA ...... I cannot call myself a conservative anymore because of all the simpering idiots that still do. BTW, I can go on and on with what a disaster Dubya was. Patriot Act, Waterboarding, Iraq War, Stem cell research. The list goes on and on. And I've had enough.


P.S. Stan did a great job of further explaining my position. In fact, I'm impressed. Well done. :hatsoff:
If I wear American, I would be clearly Liberal.
Excep a few of them (Affirmative Action, National Security, Immigration for wich I'd support Conservative principles and Terrorism for wich I would support a compromise between the 2 solutions), I would support Liberal principles on every subject.

I can't believe I'm writing this but, hey, excellent post, Sam :hatsoff:
But, is it me or it would stil make sens if you would change "Liberal" for "Democrat" and "Conservative" for "Republican" ?
Given the context of this board, I don't go into very much detail in every proclamation I make. If for no other reason, I never got the impression anyone gives a shit how I felt. :)

I started and voted my adulthood by siding with Ronald Reagan. I am still a huge fan even though I, then and now, disagree with various individual stances/positions/laws/policies of his presidency. And I blush to admit that once upon a time I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. Again, some disagreements but overall in his corner. I voted for Bush Sr. He sucked. He lost Operation Dese rt Storm, he screwed every military member out of thousands of dollars while losing Dese rt Storm (including myself), he lost the easiest war that any military has ever had to fight and gave Saddam Hussein a decade-long pulpit to be a monumental douche-bag from.

I didn't vote for Clinton. Either time. I got indignant about his extra-marital affairs, like a good conservative should. I ignored the fact that he was a pretty good president.

Then along came Dubya. I don't indiscriminately hate the man. I have too many specific reasons too. And the day that I gave up the ghost with the Republican Party was Hurricane Katrina and the governments abysmal response to an obvious disaster. Between this and how utterly pissed that I remain that a Republican President screwed his country, his party and his platform by forming the utterly hopeless Dept. of Homeland Security and subsequent TSA ...... I cannot call myself a conservative anymore because of all the simpering idiots that still do. BTW, I can go on and on with what a disaster Dubya was. Patriot Act, Waterboarding, Iraq War, Stem cell research. The list goes on and on. And I've had enough.

Thank you for an honest response. I hope you know I wasn't trying to make you defend your beliefs, just curious as to how/when the "switch" occurred.


Thank you for an honest response. I hope you know I wasn't trying to make you defend your beliefs, just curious as to how/when the "switch" occurred.

Oh, I have no problem talking about it. Now that politics is segregated, it's basically all I have left to talk about.

There are too many people on both sides/all sides of the aisle who just decide to hate the other side, no matter what the actual issue is. I don't mind clearing up that I'm not one of those people.
No, merely stating that if you were going to post something that inflammatory without believing it, you'd be stupid.

Which is it, are you stupid, or do you believe it?
Isn't that the definition of a troll?