If you wanted to curse me, what word would you choose? (hypothetical)


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
So we keep getting mad at others here, and from time to time the naes given get rather strong, creative, funny or despicable.

I am very curious about the cursewords you would choose for insuilting me. Don't make it a text, just one word or a combination, you know?

Of course, as heavy insults are forbidden by forum rules, this is strictly hypothetically, no offense and none taken!

Please, go ahead
Supa, I like you and we get along so, since this is just a harmless hypothetical, I would narrow the insult down to geography associated possibly with your country and something associated with your country maybe giving you the name "Scatman".

You maybe have no love for the Jew but definitely have an affinity for your own poo.

Lastly, you're a good sport for inviting this abuse. Pretty good sense of humor for a German too. Being able to laugh at yourself is healthy and admirable.


Actually, the word boche was an offensive word for "German" used in France from late XIXth to mid XXth century. Some elders still uses it (my grand-mother does. It's kinbda like fritz, which was used by english americans.

Otherwise, I could also refer to you as "Louie Gohmert #1 supporter" :naughtynaughty:
Mr Supadupafly = A fucked up Nazi moderator who was fired because he was (and still is) biased yellow-belly, a thief and a liar.