If you had terminal cancer and were starting to deteriorate. What would you do?

If you had terminal cancer and were starting to physically deteriorate. What would yo

  • Commit suicide just before you become incapacitated.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Commit suicide when the pain becomes too intense.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Commit suicide either just before you become incapacitated and/or when the pain becomes too intense.

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Fight for every second of life - no matter the pain or incapacitation level.

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • Unknown.

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters


If you had terminal cancer and were starting to physically deteriorate. What would you do?

1) Commit suicide just before you become incapacitated.

2) Commit suicide when the pain becomes too intense.

3) Commit suicide either just before you become incapacitated and/or when the pain becomes too intense.

4) Fight for every second of life - no matter the pain or incapacitation level.

5) Unknown.

Yes, I should have done a poll. But I screwed it up the first time. And when I did it the second time after Aegis was nice enough to erase it. I was/am so tired that I screwed it up a second time.

Damn but I am thick sometimes.

Assisted suicide.
Impossible to answer unless the situation became reality. You Might say one thing but really do another if it actually happened.
Impossible to answer unless the situation became reality. You might say one thing but really do another if it actually happened.
I agree with what poggy said, so I chose "unknown".
unknown here. To hard to answer
man, that's kinda tough question. and the whole thread is very optimistic :angels:

I think that death lethal injection should be legalized. Just for cases like that. For those who can't stand the pain and immobilization, and who can't commit a suicide themself. Cuz maybe a person is psychologically ready to die, and wants it, but still afraid to make a step, to overcome his instinct of self-preservation and kill himself... might be affraid of the horrible moment of pain which could be caused while suiciding... and that alltogether stops that irretrievably ill person from suicide. But if it will be a possibility to ask a doctor for euthanasia, ability for painless end of life, just while sleeping - it will be a desired solution for many people whos everyday life has become unbearable.

So, If I were (fuck that shit twice) in a shit like that, I would probably fight for my right for euthanasia, but won't be able to kill myself with my own arms.


Hiliary 2020
i can see how this question could bother someone who has or has had or lost someone to cancer or any terminal illness.
I know Mc you are a compassionate person and did not intend that.
I believe poggys answer is reality.


Closed Account
I had a relative die of a disease which tortured him much like cancer does to others. I stayed with him in the last months of his life, helping to nurse him. Seeing him fight for life while surrendering to the inevitable nearly tore me in half emotionally. I would never want to surrender life, but if pain became too much, I don't think any one of us knows what he or she would do. I have moral objections to suicide in case of sickness, but I have seen why they would want to.
As far as a personal decision for myself, barring being in a condition where I am brain dead or a vegetable, I would fight until it killed me just because that's the type of person I am. In the meantime I would try to finish business her as best I could before I went out.


In reference to self euthinasia, I suppose its easier said than done....
I couldn't honestly say for sure. It would take a tremendous
amount of courage, regardless of the daily associated pains.

+ 1 with Pog


If I were diagnosed with such and I didn't have med. insurance ( I don't ) or couldn't get treatment,
I'd definitely at least try the ''reported'' Ascorbic Acid "treatment'', urban legend or otherwise.

I don't recommend that anyone else do this, I would though.

My notes reveal - (FWIW) - 4 grams of Ascorbic Acid Powder (Health Food Grade) per hour "until said patient "gets sick"
- i.e.- vomiting & diarrhea. (unknown how long this takes).
I would imagine that the following treatment (of same) would resume, as soon as patient could effectively ingest said regimen

To individuals who suffer from any illness -

May God -
as you understand
bless thy


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Lol, well I have two choices.

First? Party like frickin' mad and do everything I ever wanted.

Second? When the pain gets too bad.. the easiest way out is this: Overdose of insulin. Insulin is cheap, available everywhere.. and you just inject yourself with enough of it.. fall asleep and never wake up. Easy peasy.


i can see how this question could bother someone who has or has had or lost someone to cancer or any terminal illness.
I know Mc you are a compassionate person and did not intend that.
I believe poggys answer is reality.

That is an interesting point that I had not considered.

I sincerely appreciate your compliment and your opinion.
impossible to say with any certainty until if, and when, it hits you - unknown i vote. definitely a legitimate post/poll, but rather depressing on an early Sunday morning.


Is somewhere outhere.
I would probally fight to the very end as I couldn't commit suicide anyway.

As I've had 2 uncles that died of cancer within the space of 12 months.They both fought to the very end,so I would do the same.

You Might as well enjoy what you do have left and just hope you pass away while your asleep.
I would probally fight to the very end as I couldn't commit suicide anyway.

As I've had 2 uncles that died of cancer within the space of 12 months.They both fought to the very end,so I would do the same.

You Might as well enjoy what you do have left and just hope you pass away while your asleep.

Scotland seems to have quite a high percentage of cancer deaths, so I've read...


Closed Account
I don't know if I'd kill myself or try to live, no one can ever really know what they would do in that situation without actually going through it.

However I do know that I would live every moment as if it was my last and do all those things I've dreamed of doing.
June 27th of this year my younger brother passed away from Stage 4 Lung Cancer, he got down to about 100lbs or so and went fighting and kicking and defiant till the end.
All the while smiling, joking, and staying 1000% positive to the end.
He was 36.

I would hope that i go as bravely as he did, but i know better, i'm not nearly as strong as him and he fought it a million times better than i ever could hope to.
I may or may not kill myself in that situation. I'd probably see it as a chance to finish the things in life that I had not done because they are too hard to take in the face of the prospect of a long life of procrastination and avoidance of painful conflicts. I know that that is cowardly, but that is the way of the world.

I mean no disrespect and I sincerly am not trying to be crass. But this makes me think of a story I read about a ronin that commited seppu-ku (ritualistic suicide) by cutting open his belly three times across, and then twice vertically, and then sticking the knife all the way through his neck. I can only begin to imagine the certainty, determination, and strength of will that that man must have possesed to do such a thing.
It's really hard to say what I would be thinking in a situation like that. Since I do not believe in suicide then I would like to think that I would fight every step of the way!


After watching my mother die a slow, unhappy death; I just do not see the point.
If you know you are terminal and you are going to need others eventually to feed and bath you; what is the point?
All it does is put those around you through allot of pain and can cost a shit load of money - for what?
On top of that, I have no great desire to lose my mind or my freedom. And the thought of dieing slowly in a hospital almost horrifies me.
Nope, I can see no reason why I would not kill myself.

And for those parents that say they want to hang on for their children. I was a kid in that situation. And all it was for me was misery, watching my mother slowly die - one day at a time. I admire her for sticking it out.
But I am not SO afraid of death (though I AM afraid of it) that I will avoid it at almost any cost.


'The only four places that today openly and legally, authorize active assistance in dying of patients, are:

Oregon (since l997, physician-assisted suicide only);
Switzerland (1941, physician and non-physician assisted suicide only);
Belgium (2002, permits 'euthanasia' but does not define the method;
Netherlands (voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide lawful since April 2002 but permitted by the courts since l984).'

The above was from this link from 2005: