If you could... Would you want to be on set...

Nope, to quote William Goldman "The most exciting day of your life is the first day you spend on a film set. The most boring day of your life is the second day you spend on a film set."

As for the VIP party, lets be honest the only reason I would want to go would be to fuck one of the pornstars which would NOT happen so I would end up getting drunk & making a fool of myself. I would then probably wake up in my own filth in a place I do not know. Hopefully with no memory of my behaviour the previous night which would be my only crumb of consolation.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Considering that I am wasting my life already, I might as well waste it watching people fuck.
Yes i would like to see what's really going on behind the scenes of a porn scene. It may spoil some of the fantasy but it would be a nice experience anyway!
In all fairness, no I wouldnt wanna be on the set of a porno.

Its bad enough when you around a pretty girl you like in the real world whose pants you would raid like kung fu panda when he's upset. Let alone being on a filmset where a model you like is being pummeled in front of you. Hell its depressing enough watching some porn movies without it happening in front of you.

Half the time I watch porn thinking, thats never gonna happen to me, I dont need it being compounded in front of me. Id feel like i was having it rubbed in my face - "You want this huh? Well you cant have it!" all the while some donkey dicked muscle man is saying "Youll never pleasure a woman like this, hell youll never get a woman like this!"
After thinking about it... I think I would. Kust for the experiance and knowledge I would gain. Plus I think it would show me that porn is a suck job like any other.

Now the party, well I'd go but most of the fun is gone. Couldn't pick up any of the ladies or my wife would kill me. Once again an experience thing.


Official Checked Star Member
Is this an invitation?


Will there be beer?


What's health and safety like on set? is it ok to stand around naked eating food and stuff?

Just dont shake hands with anyone... LOL

Will Ivan Reitman be there?

I will invite him, but probably not...

In all fairness, no I wouldnt wanna be on the set of a porno.

Its bad enough when you around a pretty girl you like in the real world whose pants you would raid like kung fu panda when he's upset. Let alone being on a filmset where a model you like is being pummeled in front of you. Hell its depressing enough watching some porn movies without it happening in front of you.

Half the time I watch porn thinking, thats never gonna happen to me, I dont need it being compounded in front of me. Id feel like i was having it rubbed in my face - "You want this huh? Well you cant have it!" all the while some donkey dicked muscle man is saying "Youll never pleasure a woman like this, hell youll never get a woman like this!"

What if it was an all girl movie -- no donkey dicks allowed ? Just a half dozen female pornstars, the crew and a dozen or so fans ?

I have found everyone's reponses really interesting...

Keep'em coming !!


Closed Account
Do you have any rehersals to go over the plan of action? or is it just do as you do?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
A friend of mine who lives out in LA did some camera crew work on a porn set, he was going to film school at the time. He said it was fine, the cast and crew were all cool people, and after filming there was no wild and crazy orgy or anything like that. Just an impromptu keg party and a karaoke machine. Aside from that, he just did as a camera man and listend to what the director wanted. I think it would be pretty cool.
Sounds like fun, although I can see it being a bit wierd, but I'd still go