Would you use said knowledge to "get away" with more things, or would you use the knowledge to "put right" things you think you did wrong?
To answer this, I am assuming that this speculative venture would have the possibility to prepare for the time travel for some stretch of time. Let us say:
You could make preparations for a month.
And can we choose the exact spot in time to were we can travel back, and can we choose as what we go back? Are we going back as a physical being, thus vreating a fork in our own self? Me2015 can meet Me1970? Or would just our soul be slipping into and replacing the soul as it were then? (Where would the past soul go? Would we create a ghost, without a body?
Whatever, I for one would go back 45 years, aand slip into myself the year I went to first grade in school. I assume I would also have the mindset I now have, so I could better handle many situations I fucked up in my younger years.
I would put to memory the best ways for investing money to make the most out of it, as buying Apple stocks and so on. Concentrate on very early-on investments, too, that happen in the seventies. I am sure I could handle my parents back then very well into letting me do investments and set up my accunts to work this.
I would work way harder at school and use the very fortunate situation I was in as a kid, to go forward.
There are some serious things I would talk about with people from my family and friends, but that is too personal for this post. You get the picture.