If You Could Be Part of Any Race on Middle Earth


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'd be one of The Teleri, The greatest shipwrights.

I be a Rivendell elf, what about wizards.

There are different clans of the Elves in Imladris, Sindar, Silvan, Noldor and Teleri. I didn't choose the Istari since there were only five.
Who would want to be an orc any way? They are just grunts to die. Pawns.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
There are actually some powerful orcs. Shagrat and Golfimbul.


Noldor. Didn't know they where the deep elves, Are you sure about that? From what I gathered in the Silmarion they where the race from which Galadriel and Feanor came from. As in the royalty of the elves, Their warriors being some of the strongest in the elven faction.

Feanor himself fought off 7 or something balrogs(he did die but he gave a damn good account of himself) Which is kinda kick ass when you compare this to gandalf's fight with a mere 1 in the two towers.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Galadriel is actually half Noldor and half Telerin, her mother was Eärwen(daughter of Olwë, lord of The Teleri in Aman) and her father was Finarfin, High King of The Noldor in Aman.

The royalty of the Elves were the Vinyar, Ingwë, the lord of the Vinyar, is accounted as The King of All Elves.

The Noldorin were accounted the greatest of the Elves in matters of lore and craft.

About Fëanor, he was the greatest of all the Elves in terms of power.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
No :elaugh:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I don't know the exact number but more than 20.