If I were president...


what the fuck you lookin at?
If I were president of the U.S. alot of shit would be different:

First and formost I'd bring home all the americans in Iraq! Fuck Iraq let them fend for themselves now!

Weed would be legalized and controled just like alcohol!

The boarder crossing issue wouldn't be an issue since I'd order a shoot to kill policy! :ak47:

Schools and hospitals would get alot more federal funding so our children would get the education they deserve and people in hospitals could expect to live longer, healthier, happier lives!

I'd cut taxes in half and I could do that by not wasting so much damn money on some bullshit war that noone wants anyway!

Fund a federal road repair bill to fix ALL potholes on EVERY road in america! I'm sick of driving over fuckin pot holes everywhere!

Oh and id be honest about shit! Something that no other president has ever done!

Plus many other things I can't think of right now I'm sure i'll add to the list later on!
Here's my idea for a campaign speach or the start at least:
"I will bring home all americans...ALL americans from Iraq..."
That should get people's attention!
all sound nice except the border issue

Im pretty sure its legal for Texans to murder any illegal immigrants on their land anyways just shooting them like their an animal, thats what you want for the whole border? To shoot every man woman and child that comes near the border? I cant agree with that.
I try to keep out of other countries issues, but you have me wondering....

Legzman said:
If I were president of the U.S. alot of shit would be different:

Schools and hospitals would get alot more federal funding so our children would get the education they deserve and people in hospitals could expect to live longer, healthier, happier lives!

I'd cut taxes in half and I could do that by not wasting so much damn money on some bullshit war that noone wants anyway!

Fund a federal road repair bill to fix ALL potholes on EVERY road in america! I'm sick of driving over fuckin pot holes everywhere!

Oh and id be honest about shit! Something that no other president has ever done!


First how are you going to pay for all the schools,hospitals and road repairs without taxes. As you'll find if you cut your taxes in half you'll have to cut everything else in half. Such as schools, hospitals, road repairs and even defence (army, navy, airforce) which also means your country will have less defence!

Also how can you be honest, this means you'll have to tell the country and the rest of the world about everything that you do and happens. This is no matter how bad or even how much of a idiot you look.

I think you'd either go back on all these within a week, or you'd be removed from office within the week.
If I were Presidents I'd fire everyone in the White House and replace them with Norwegian lesbians. Now there's a tourist attraction.


Retired Moderator
On the lighter side....

If I were President I would get a blow job while sitting behind the desk in the oval office...


It's already been done


It's good to be the king...
...ev'ry day would be the first day of spring
Every heart would have a new song to sing
And we'd sing of the joy every morning would bring...?

(or was "If I Ruled The World"? Oh well, where's the difference? :1orglaugh )


Legzman said:
If I were president of the U.S. alot of shit would be different:

First and formost I'd bring home all the americans in Iraq! Fuck Iraq let them fend for themselves now!

Weed would be legalized and controled just like alcohol!

The boarder crossing issue wouldn't be an issue since I'd order a shoot to kill policy! :ak47:

Schools and hospitals would get alot more federal funding so our children would get the education they deserve and people in hospitals could expect to live longer, healthier, happier lives!

I'd cut taxes in half and I could do that by not wasting so much damn money on some bullshit war that noone wants anyway!

Fund a federal road repair bill to fix ALL potholes on EVERY road in america! I'm sick of driving over fuckin pot holes everywhere!

Oh and id be honest about shit! Something that no other president has ever done!

Plus many other things I can't think of right now I'm sure i'll add to the list later on!
Here's my idea for a campaign speach or the start at least:
"I will bring home all americans...ALL americans from Iraq..."
That should get people's attention!

:sleep: Right.... :sleep:

I will never be and I don't have any fun at all speculating, and it bores me to hear armchair-ers go at it. Make your millions first, get good and dirty info on everyone you can to use when you need it, cover yourself as much as possible, make and break stategic alliances, cut back room deals, glad hand everyone that you need to in order to work your way through the polical landscape.... and then try and do any of those things.

Honestly, politics is politics, regardless of which country we are talking about (as long as we are talking about a modicum of freedom). Don't you think that at least some percentage of policiticians want to change the system for the better? Don't you think that every president or leader wants to do the best that he can given the choices he is presented? Don't you think that it is not just about one man?

The simple ideas look great on a 5th grade paper, but the world is far more complex and far harder to even see what the right thing to do is, when you are surrounded by everything coming at you at once.

And the border issue - well you lost all of your creditbility to me (fwiw) right there.
Legzman said:
If I were president of the U.S. alot of shit would be different:

First and formost I'd bring home all the americans in Iraq! Fuck Iraq let them fend for themselves now!

Weed would be legalized and controled just like alcohol!

The boarder crossing issue wouldn't be an issue since I'd order a shoot to kill policy! :ak47:

Schools and hospitals would get alot more federal funding so our children would get the education they deserve and people in hospitals could expect to live longer, healthier, happier lives!

I'd cut taxes in half and I could do that by not wasting so much damn money on some bullshit war that noone wants anyway!

Fund a federal road repair bill to fix ALL potholes on EVERY road in america! I'm sick of driving over fuckin pot holes everywhere!

Oh and id be honest about shit! Something that no other president has ever done!

Plus many other things I can't think of right now I'm sure i'll add to the list later on!
Here's my idea for a campaign speach or the start at least:
"I will bring home all americans...ALL americans from Iraq..."
That should get people's attention!

I like the Iraq thing, love the border idea and the weed idea. I would keep taxes the same though, the money does do some good. I would pretty much abandon all money leaving the country to help others in need. Screw someone if they have a natural disaster.We do way too much to help the world only to be shit on. I'd focus on our issues first like homelessness, education, health care and homeland security.
I would do what every politician should do. I would be totally independent. I would uphold all our human rights and constitutional liberties without any exception. I would not pick and choose the ones I want to uphold like politicians now. I would do what the majority of the people wanted me to do because the elected officials should be elected because they are the most respected and most qualified to enforce their constituents will and not because they think they are elected by the people to give them free rein in what they want to do. I might give my advice on what I would think would be best but I would always follow the peoples wishes. Everybody's opinion would be equal and I wouldn't consider a CEO of a large corporation any more important than a normal everyday person that works at the market. I would never hold secret meeting or talks with the people in my country unless it was of a genuine national security concern. I might even put a video feed in my office so everybody could see what I did all day long. The only exception to following what the majority of the people wanted would be if it violated my first responsibility of maintaining everybody unalienable rights that should never be infringed upon, or if it was such an incredibly unbelievably extremely stupid idea that would ruin our country and or totally destroy our society, which would almost never happen. Other than that the people get what they want, good or ill, and have to live with their choices. I would do the job for no other reason than the fact that I felt a duty to my country and the people in it. I would be their servant not the other way around. I would take no money or political advancement from it, and would never ask for any more than I needed to live a moderate life while in office. Finally, I would try to dramatically increase the punishment for any government worker from president to local police that are caught being corrupt, even if it was somebody directly under me. Then if it were somebody I was directly responsible for I would do everything I could to bring him to justice after I publicly humiliated him.

Of course you have to remember that a politician like that doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting elected. Not only would he be unable to get money because it would be unethical to accept donations from anybody, but all the other politicians would blackball somebody like that before they could even do anything. You could never get through all the things that BNF said and still retain your ethicalness.
hily said:
all sound nice except the border issue

Im pretty sure its legal for Texans to murder any illegal immigrants on their land anyways just shooting them like their an animal...
That's not true! I'm from Texas and even though it's hard to tell by looking at my sig/avatar, I'm not a heartless monster as you claim Texans are! I wouldn't hurt anyone just because they are here illegally!:(
Anyone who would condone shooting an illegal crossing the border should be shot themselves. I'm not sure I would even classify someone with that mindset as a human being.
drdeath67 said:
That's not true! I'm from Texas and even though it's hard to tell by looking at my sig/avatar, I'm not a heartless monster as you claim Texans are! I wouldn't hurt anyone just because they are here illegally!:(
I remember reading an article oh years ago small weird things stick with me for some reason, but anyways Texans on the border or I should say SOME Texans shot people crossing the border when they crossed over their property and there were no laws to punish the man who murdered them. Of course not all Texans do this or no one would go there ever. I just think it is so harsh to SHOOT someone.
hily said:
I remember reading an article oh years ago small weird things stick with me for some reason, but anyways Texans on the border or I should say SOME Texans shot people crossing the border when they crossed over their property and there were no laws to punish the man who murdered them. Of course not all Texans do this or no one would go there ever. I just think it is so harsh to SHOOT someone.
I agree!


what the fuck you lookin at?
I was kidding about the shooting thing damn don't take things so seriously. But something does need to be done about it. I haven't worked out all the logistics of cutting taxes in half, but they would definatly be lower! The rest of it I'm stickin to though. I can be honest if someone asks a question but it'd be don't ask don't tell policy type of thing.
Probalby best I don't run in 9 years when I turn 35 well about 8 I should say. I'd be either assasinated or impeached by the end of the first year I'm sure!
Calm said:
If I were Presidents I'd fire everyone in the White House and replace them with Norwegian lesbians. Now there's a tourist attraction.

Then I would vote for you!!!... ;)
1st off I'd bring the troops home out of Iraq and redeploy them to protect the US borders and assist the US Border Patrol where necessary.

Financial aid to all those foreign countries that have never supported us would end immediately and be re-allocated to domestic aid needs including education, housing, transportation, creating jobs in the US.

Foreign oil dependency would come to an end:
- we'd drill domestically for oil
- work on more sythetic fuels
- place a price limit of what can be charged for barrels of oil

war on terror:
- a domestic counter-terrorist unit would be formed to hunt down all terrorists hiding within US borders
- intelligence and military CT units would be given more powers & latitude to go after terrorist abroad before they can harm more Americans overseas

- there will stiffer laws to prevent the US from getting screwed on this issue any more
BNF said:
:sleep: Right.... :sleep:

the border issue - well you lost all of your creditbility to me (fwiw) right there.
right on BNF.
i think this is a stupid thread and in keeping with the trend, here's what i would do if i were president...i would lower the driving age to 10 yrs old, raise the drinking age to 21 yrs and 5 days old, make smoking mandatory after the age of 4, illegalize fruits and vegetables, require the coca-cola and pepsi bottling companies go to war with each other to determine the best tasting cola by eliminating the competition, wednesday would be "egg your neighbour's house" day, illegalize e-mail, double taxes, close all hospitals on mondays, graduation would be at 12 so kids could start their careers at mcdonalds early, everyday at 1:05am people would be made to eat a pint of chocolate icecream...:lame:
********** said:
Shoot illegal immigrants. Nice. What other crimes do you think should be punishable by death? In some Islamic countries they cut off people's hands for stealing. That might work, right?


Well, obviously it would. It's a lot harder to steal shit with no hands. :rolleyes: