If I were president...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
If I were President...I would end up being assassinated.
smallville206 said:
Anyone who would condone shooting an illegal crossing the border should be shot themselves. I'm not sure I would even classify someone with that mindset as a human being.

Which person? The one who condones shooting illegal aliens or the one shooting the one who condones shooting illegal aliens (YOU)?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
First, I'd teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. Then, I'd buy the world a coke and keep it company. After that, I'd just kind of wait around and see what happens.
no offense, but anyone who wants to be president is fundementally an asshole and should not be listened to. I mean if someone came up to me and told me thier life goal was to run my life, i'd probably kick them in the balls. here's what I think, I think that people should be able to get elected president, but no one should be allowed to run for it.
calpoon said:
no offense, but anyone who wants to be president is fundementally an asshole and should not be listened to. I mean if someone came up to me and told me thier life goal was to run my life, i'd probably kick them in the balls. here's what I think, I think that people should be able to get elected president, but no one should be allowed to run for it.

You got my vote!:tongue:
Legzman said:
First and formost I'd bring home all the americans in Iraq! Fuck Iraq let them fend for themselves now!
Actually, that was the biggest fear of most other leaders in Arab nations. We'd create a mess and then leave.
Legzman said:
Schools and hospitals would get alot more federal funding so our children would get the education they deserve and people in hospitals could expect to live longer, healthier, happier lives!
I agree with you on schools, because education get real results. As far as healthcare, it's already skyrocketing to 20% of our GDP, so throwing money at the problem is definitely not the solution.
Legzman said:
I'd cut taxes in half and I could do that by not wasting so much damn money on some bullshit war that noone wants anyway!
Actually, if you read the federal budget, the war is not making even a 5% dent. You'll have to get the other 45% from other things -- and even the entire defense, advanced R&D (most of it not even related to military or defense), veteran benefits, etc... and other budgets don't equate to more than 30%.

You should really read the OMB summary sheets sometime. You'd be shocked where the money is going. Over 2/3rd is not going to anything defense related, but services and entitlements.

Legzman said:
Fund a federal road repair bill to fix ALL potholes on EVERY road in america! I'm sick of driving over fuckin pot holes everywhere!
Actually, Congress and W. just signed in a massive, 10-year road infrastructure bill -- one of the most expensive since Eisenhower.

Legzman said:
Oh and id be honest about shit! Something that no other president has ever done!
You can't, you'll get crucified. Both Clinton and W. learned this in their few months in office, the hard way.

Legzman said:
Plus many other things I can't think of right now I'm sure i'll add to the list later on!
Here's my idea for a campaign speach or the start at least:
"I will bring home all americans...ALL americans from Iraq..."
That should get people's attention!
It would surely be a popular slogan, no doubt. But being a leader isn't always about doing what is popular. Otherwise even Kerry would have used it in his 2004 compaign too.
hily said:
I remember reading an article oh years ago small weird things stick with me for some reason, but anyways Texans on the border or I should say SOME Texans shot people crossing the border when they crossed over their property and there were no laws to punish the man who murdered them.
It's tresspassing, pure and simple. Now I don't know if killing them is the right thing, but it's not murder, it's called man-slaughter at the most. If you tresspass you are putting yourself in harm's way.
hily said:
Of course not all Texans do this or no one would go there ever. I just think it is so harsh to SHOOT someone.
A similar law passed here in Florida recently where you are allowed to defend yourself in your home or in select settings where you are immediately threatened. There have been at least 7 "questionable" deaths since, all but 2 were people who were unarmed. But that's not the real question.

The real question and under-reported statistics are how many people were less shy to defend themselves because of the new law? The earlier 10-20-Life law passed years earlier caused responsible people to hesitate to defend themselves. This law has been seen as a counter-balance.

As horrible as death is, sometimes it's unavoidable. Responsible people should be allowed to defend themselves. The overwhelming majority of people who own and carry guns respect life and, as the foundation of that, the weapon far more than those who have never handled one or have used them as a means to commit crimes.

And in all 7 of those "questionable" cases, someone was "attacking" the other person who was armed with a gun -- 5 of them just didn't have guns themselves. And it's very likely they didn't know the defender had a gun until it was too late. It's very sad they died, but you do not "attack" someone unless you are ready to deal with the full force of what their defense might be.

BTW, when someone pulls a gun, it's not the "Hollywood" act of a "stop, you had better not attack me." When you pull a gun and point it towards someone, you intend to you use it on them. You never pull a gun and point a gun at someone unless you intend to use it.

That's why I'm strongly for the Second Amendment and laws allowing self-defense. It doesn't really have anything to do with owning a gun or having the right to use it. It has to do with criminals and violators knowing you can own one -- or more directly relevant, knowing it's not illegal for you to own one and use it to defend yourself, your family or your home. ;)

It scares me to death when the day comes when criminals know you can't own a gun and there isn't one in your home. Especially those criminals who will still have one themselves. It has nothing to do with the right to kill someone, it has to do with the right to make other people fear violating you, and physically stopping them if that fear is not enough to deter them in the first place.
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... get a nice leather chair.

Seriously, sort out the Israel-Palestine situation, dramatically increase R&D into renewable energy, form much closer ties with China, sort out democracy in Africa... bloody hell, the world is f***** isnt it?!
accessspecialex said:
Seriously, sort out the Israel-Palestine situation,
And what President has not?
W. tried his thing, didn't work.
Clinton tried his thing, didn't work.
Reagan tried hit thing, even with the UN, didn't work.
Carter tried his thing, didn't work -- although he got Egypt and Israel talking at least.
accessspecialex said:
dramatically increase R&D into renewable energy,
How about start by defining what a viable "renewable energy" is?
I haven't met a fellow EE yet who didn't want to bitch smack the public for using that abstract term.
accessspecialex said:
form much closer ties with China,
Actually, they're very, very tight right now.
accessspecialex said:
sort out democracy in Africa...
Yeah, open yet a 3rd front for "freedom."
accessspecialex said:
bloody hell, the world is f***** isnt it?!
You got it!
Welcome to the Presidency of the United States of America!

It's all your fault, no matter what you do, even if you didn't start it.