I want a pornstar to fuck my wife...


Torn & Frayed.
there is something seriously wrong in a relationship when a person harbors thoughts of wanting someone else to have sex with their significant other.

And there is no way that i would ask my wife or girlfriend to do that if i truly loved her.

According to some people on this board...those like you don't exist and depictions of it in porn are nothing more than a product of some version of self hate...or a conspiracy to engender self hatred among some men.

Hey...I don't really understand the perspective. It's not my bag but to each his/her own.
If it's both his and his wife's fantasy, I don't see a problem with it. It's a rather common fantasy for a guy to want to see his wife fucked by another man, so what's the difference if it's a porn star?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
This is quite interesting *brings chips*