The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Ok, I've noticed that the "Girls You Have Masturbated To The Most" thread gets quite a few posts every day and it got me thinking...
Instead of including porn stars, movie stars or other celebrities in our answers, let's just stick to people we actually know.
Out of the people you actually know in real life, who have you/do you masturbate(d) to the most?
Personally, I would have to say it's my best friend (who is a GIRL by the way). I've always had a "thing" for her and I find her absolutely irresistable. There's also a girl I work with that I've stroked to before...a lot.
Instead of including porn stars, movie stars or other celebrities in our answers, let's just stick to people we actually know.
Out of the people you actually know in real life, who have you/do you masturbate(d) to the most?
Personally, I would have to say it's my best friend (who is a GIRL by the way). I've always had a "thing" for her and I find her absolutely irresistable. There's also a girl I work with that I've stroked to before...a lot.