I Personally Know You...And I Masturbate To You

The person I masturbate to the most is...

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The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Ok, I've noticed that the "Girls You Have Masturbated To The Most" thread gets quite a few posts every day and it got me thinking...

Instead of including porn stars, movie stars or other celebrities in our answers, let's just stick to people we actually know.

Out of the people you actually know in real life, who have you/do you masturbate(d) to the most?

Personally, I would have to say it's my best friend (who is a GIRL by the way). I've always had a "thing" for her and I find her absolutely irresistable. There's also a girl I work with that I've stroked to before...a lot.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
No one.
why not stroke in her :dunno:


Out of the people you actually know in real life, who have you/do you masturbate(d) to the most?

slik said:
why not stroke in her

If there's an attractive living breathing young lady in my living environment at a time when I am not committed, I'll kindly- gentlemanly let her know that I find her attractive.
I waste no time as I once was snaked out of a girl I could of had if only I had asserted my interest greater than this other clown ! A f'en looser ! liar drugee woman beater bastard (another story).

What Slik said, I agree ! I may spank it early on . . . but I'm all over the real shit ! Gotta have that skin - flesh ! Yumma !

I'm not afraid of rejection ! The fantasy is over at that point. No more spanky to that one & ya move on ( ( ( ( ( ( (( Whoosh :thumbsup:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Myspace is certainly king of pictures as far as finding friends, coworkers and the like to wank to.

With that said.. I have a certain someone in mind sometimes. She doesnt think much of anyone else but her ex. But I think she's more than great. But.. ah well. With my effort and hope I try to open her up to my possibilities a little more every time we speak.
Sometimes I think about my classmates, damn these are two hot chicks. They would be worth to have an own thread here :bowdown:


Closed Account
Mine is a friend I been friends with her for a couple of years. :thumbsup:
I know some girls would be put off by this but definitely not all. The idea of a guy masturbating while thinking of me I would find very cute as long as he was some one I generally liked. I find the idea of guys masturbating to girls they know a really nice idea.

I know some girls would be put off by this but definitely not all. The idea of a guy masturbating while thinking of me I would find very cute as long as he was some one I generally liked. I find the idea of guys masturbating to girls they know a really nice idea.


Hey Mel!:wave2: I think most open minded women would agree with you.
There's no harm if it's with someone you could see yourself with... but when you reach that point where you're just friends and you really wouldn't cross the line in real life... yeah then it's a little awkward IMO.
My answer is not listed in your choices: "All of the Above".


Closed Account
I put friend, even though we did actually date a loooong time ago. We are still quite close now. Always been a little something between us.

My god shes hotttttt.