I lost my porn collection


Believer In GregCentauro
maybe you will actually have to start buying porn now...

but no, I went through the same thing awhile ago...it was kind of devastating, but then I found a woman to fuck and the need for hoarding massive amounts of porn was no more.
Start all over again ...

parts of it, you will be able to have again, parts not ...

it's a thing called live, there is a thing called "saving on a disk"
Let's ask Google to database/archive all our porn :laugh: :uohs:

Ive lost years of collecting porn a least a couple of times. It does suck I guess, but you eventually just start over. lol. Besides Im usually able to find most of the stuff I used to have on the internet regardless of how old it is. Just gotta know where to look.......Google. Google enough and what your looking for will pop up eventually. lol


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
You never look at half your collection anyway.
If you DO, then you're wasting time you could be out meeting girls and making porn...
Since getting my first computer in my bedroom as a 12 year old, I've slowly been collecting my favorite videos and pics over the last decade and a half. All told it was about 100 gigs, but most importantly it was all stuff I would search out on the internet every few weeks before finally downloading it to keep. Stuff I considered quality enough to bother looking for and since some of it was downloaded years and years ago I haven't been able to find them again online at times when I've searched for them.

I was reformatting my computer recently and somewhere in the shuffle of my four HDs I just never backed up the folder. Gone but not forgotten.


Try searching for your lost stuff in the newsgroups. Giganews is pretty good place to start and you'll find a lot of oldies posted there.
Was it quality stuff though?!? I'd imagine the memories of the good stuff is good enough in the long run... collect anew and do some searching. :)

RIP to your porn collection. :(
RIP for that collection.
MY collection is only of three folders.
1]Mario Salieri movies
2]A folder for clips of Avy Scott, Jenteal, Roxanne Blaze, Sunny Lane and Sunny McKay.
3]A folder of funny and weird videos.

The rest I see and delete.


I'm one of those guys that prefers DVD's, and I've bought quite lots of them during the years... However, as I met my ex I decided to throw them all out, and now I've been single for quite a while again, and I don't own more than 3 DVD's now... I wonder how much that collection was worth in cash... No, I don't even want to think about it.
I went through the same thing myself a few years back when my PC died and a lot of porn that was on the internet back in the late 1990s to early 2000s isn't around anymore so cannot be replaced. I was never the same after that.