I Just Scored The Most Amazing Touchdown In Madden


Postal Paranoiac
A. Shouldn't this be in the Games forum?
B. Sports are sports. Love them or leave them.
C. I hate mayonnaise on my hamburgers.
Having played both, obviously not at a professional level, I can say rugby hurt a lot more. With football you've got that helmet and with it you can do a shit load of damage. One of my buddies when we played would always go helmet first and level guys. He tried the same shit in rugby and caught a knee in the face for his troubles and was knocked right out and to make it even worse some dude stepped on his ear with a cleat and mangled it up.

With pads there's a certain feeling of invincibility and so you can throw caution to the wind when you hit somebody. Both sports require toughness and if you're afraid to get hit or don't want to hit people then don't play them. I've got no problems with either but I will say this I was more nervous playing rugby than football just due to having no helmet. Without it you lend yourself to some gruesome stuff like dudes sticking their fingers in your eyes. If you're at the bottom of a pile then it's pretty much certain someone's going to step on you and you better hope they don't step on your face or you're going to have a shitty Saturday night.
The real factor that makes American football better than any other sport in my opinion, and the one that gets overlooked more often than not even by a lot of it's biggest fans, is the fact it is not only a violent contact sport but also a virtual chess match between two teams. Just glancing at it it's hard to pick that up. Strategy, coaching, preparation, offensive and defensive awareness, split second decision making, adjusting strategy mid game and continually trying to stay ahead of the other team doing the same thing, teamwork, trying to deceive the other team of what your are trying to do and disguising your plays, and memorization of everybody's position and everybody's individual talents probably plays an order of magnitude more importance in it than any other major sport in the world. Intelligence, savvy, and coaching can play much more in winning than in other sports where the shear dominance of physical talent and the talent of a few individuals (and sometimes only one) often plays the overriding factor and sometimes almost the only factor (not that it doesn't also play a large part in American football). Part of the reason that happens is because actions are stopped and plays are continually set up on both sides, and it isn't one fluid event after another.

When it comes down to it that where it shines above everything else for me, and where I wish people would understand more of it.

I also like the fact there are a very wide variety of player types that are needed to be successful, with vastly different ability sets. A basketball, hockey, rugby, or soccer player are pretty much 95% the same for what type of athlete they are and what they do and their jobs are much more similar to each other player. In American football a lineman is vastly different and has a vastly different job than a receiver has for example.

Rugby > American Football

They play longer and harder without having to stop every 30 seconds. They don't need padding. They are actual athletes. If you think NFL players are Gladiators, Rugby players are fucking Spartans.

By the nature of the game and it's fluid format Rugby players don't get hit as hard most of the time. It's much harder to line up that good hit, and it takes more luck for it to happen. Stopping the game and setting up actually allows for more vicious blows. It continually allows people to get into position and line their hits up.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
If they aren't wearing all their padding and shit ... I don't think so!!

I was trying to be nice by pointing out that NFL-style hits aren't allowed in rugby. Since you can't reciprocate and agree that we're comparing two different sports how about you name your best rugby players against the guys Andy listed up there.

What you Euro guys don't understand is just how big and athletic NFL players really are. Sure, it's fun to pretend that all Americans are fat and lazy but that's just it, it's just pretend. I went to an NCAA Division II University and our football team, as uncompetitive as they were, were still "finely tuned athletic machines", and would rain holy hell terror down on your typical rugby team. Europe can't compete against Americans in real sports. Fact.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Show me a rugby player that can do this:

Mario Williams is 6’6, 295 lb, runs a 4.66 40-yard dash, has a 40-inch vertical jump, and can bench press 35 repetitions of 225 pounds. He's a fucking beast. Name me someone comparable to that.
Strategy, coaching, preparation, offensive and defensive awareness, split second decision making, adjusting strategy mid game and continually trying to stay ahead of the other team doing the same thing, teamwork, trying to deceive the other team of what your are trying to do and disguising your plays, and memorization of everybody's position and everybody's individual talents probably plays an order of magnitude more importance in it than any other major sport in the world.

what you described there is exactly what happens in normal football. Everything a team does is set up by the manager.

José Mourinho is great at his tactics. He plays mind games on the other manager and his tactics are for the most part are extremely well thought through. Other managers like Alex Ferguson know what they are doing, they see where they need to change their tactics during and before a game. You need a different tactic for every team and if it isn't working you need to make a decision and change it so you don't lose. There are so many formations and tactics you can use in football it is unbelievable. The game is played by the players but the manager buys them in to the club and sells other players. The manager is at the helm of everything the team does. It is not just a group of players kicking a ball around
what you described there is exactly what happens in normal football. Everything a team does is set up by the manager.

José Mourinho is great at his tactics. He plays mind games on the other manager and his tactics are for the most part are extremely well thought through. Other managers like Alex Ferguson know what they are doing, they see where they need to change their tactics during and before a game. You need a different tactic for every team and if it isn't working you need to make a decision and change it so you don't lose. There are so many formations and tactics you can use in football it is unbelievable. The game is played by the players but the manager buys them in to the club and sells other players. The manager is at the helm of everything the team does. It is not just a group of players kicking a ball around

Yes, most every sport has some of that but the difference between even the most cerebral soccer match with the smartest coaches and the simplest NFL match run by idiots is still the equivalent of comparing checkers to chess to what's done and it's complexity. It's not very comparable.
Yes, most every sport has some of that but the difference between even the most cerebral soccer match with the smartest coaches and the simplest NFL match run by idiots is still the equivalent of comparing checkers to chess to what's done and it's complexity. It's not very comparable.

I have never watched a full game of NFL in my life so i can't comment on that.

I was just suggesting that a lot more goes into a football match than people in America and Canada think. If you go to most places in the world and ask them if they like football or NFL better, the vast majority will say football
Awesome TD!!! Was that on Madden 11 or Madden 12? I have Madden 11 for Xbox360, it works fine but when it goes to the loading screen after I pick the teams it freezes, anyone else experiencing this problem.
Video was uploaded on April 18, 2010, this thread fails