"All we are saying!!! Is give Tyranny a chance!!"
My apologies to John Lennon.
Peace is not only the absence of conflict, but the establishment of justice, a justice that has been denied to millions of people around the world by those who impose themselves over them through fear and intimidation. Your state went blue. Good, that is your right. My state went red. Great, that is our right. Dont take your rights for granted. Millions of people around the world are starving for them. And I bet that millions of them are right now on their knees thanking God, Allah, or whoever they pray to that finally the Americans have a president with a political backbone, who is taking decisions that are politically unpopular but who believes that freeing people from their oppresors is the right and moral thing to do.
By the way, if you consider W an oppressor, at least you can get together with a bunch of your buddies in front of the white house, carry some signs, and let him know how you feel without fear of being run over by tanks, or unlike people who used to live under Hussein, without fear of getting your tongue cut out, your eyes gouged out, your wife raped, your children killed, and your parents imprisoned for doing telling Hussein exactly what you really felt about him.