I Hate to Say I Told You So but....


georges said:
Just one thing, do you think it is better to let a fool like ayatollah Khamenei bomb his neighbours? Do you think that you can stop a madman with talks? Certainly not. That is why probably a war is planned. It is so easy to criticize the decision of a president that fights radical islamism and terrorism by all the means. You can't talk with dictators and ayatollahs like Khamenei.

Give me one reason why Bush even has the slightest of rights to intefere with them? Do not go looking for trouble for so very often it is already looking for you!
Actually it's a nod to America "oh so fabulous!" -NOT- butt buddies the Israeli's.
See Israel is using America like a puppet to strengthen their hold on the middle east. Israel is America's prodoje more or less.
Remove everyone else and leave one top dog in charge that you can control.
It's all politics and has nothing to do with 'terrorism'.
It never did.
bibo said:
Believing all the lies that they´re telling ya
Buying all the prodcuts that they´re selling ya
They say "jump" and you say "how high?"
Ya braindead
ya got a fucking bullet in your head

Bullet In the Head by RATM. That's a good song. Too bad they're just not the same without Zack... :(


Staff member
Europa said:
Give me one reason why Bush even has the slightest of rights to intefere with them? Do not go looking for trouble for so very often it is already looking for you!
Do you probably prefer that a madman nukes his neighbours?
Looking for trouble? I am just expressing my opinion.
I don't think that letting a dangerous country having access to nuclear weapons is a solution.


Sorry I did not mean you looking for trouble I mean Bush. If he keeps provoking the east when he actually has NO RIGHT then one day it is going to turn around and destroy him and his country. You all have seen how much fear and anguish 2 aircraft caused to your country in one terror attack; why push and push to make them hate more?

I must say I think America is a more dangerous country to have nuclear arms than ANY other country as they seem most willing to start these international cock fights than anyone else.

The world is not here to be ruled by one man.


georges said:
Do you probably prefer that a madman nukes his neighbours?
Looking for trouble? I am just expressing my opinion.
I don't think that letting a dangerous country having access to nuclear weapons is a solution.

And when exactly did they nuke their neighbors? What proof do you have that their even building nukes?
georges said:
Just one thing, do you think it is better to let a fool like ayatollah Khamenei bomb his neighbours? Do you think that you can stop a madman with talks? Certainly not. That is why probably a war is planned. It is so easy to criticize the decision of a president that fights radical islamism and terrorism by all the means. You can't talk with dictators and ayatollahs like Khamenei.

Well, if that's the reason he's going into Iran, then more power to him. But, if it's another Iraq, i.e. "We're going in for WMDs but oh, what? There weren't any? Umm, we went in to stabilize the region. Yeah, that's the ticket!", then Bush should not be even thinking about the possibility of invading Iran. The man should be looking in the direction of North Korea, to be honest with you. Who knows when Kim's going to drop the hammer?
North Korea is the real danger on the world scene.
That Kim jong sounds like a real nutjob, but I suspect that America knows that only too well, that's why North Korea is being dealt with by 'diplomatic' means.
Iran is a more Supine country, less likely to be able to withstand the might of the U.S.A. , therefore, it is an easier target.

George Bush seems to have got the idea that being voted in for another four years in some way grants him licence to throw America's weight into yet more conflicts.
The truth I suspect, is that the American people would rather not see any more U.S. soldiers being brought home in body bags.
Bush is back in charge because kerry was a less palletable option, NOT that Americans want more wars and dead servicemen.


I agree that NK needs to be dealt with whether it be war or peace talks, preferably peace talks, but leave Iran alone.
Bush said during his election campaign that one of the reasons he was going into Iraq was to close in on Iran. I knew we would be going to Iran eventually I just didn't know when. Bush also said that he would prevent Iran getting nukes at any cost. Well, he probably heard something from someone.

As for Iraq not having WMDs, I find it amazing how entire warehouses of material went missing right before we invaded the country. Maybe they, gasp, hid it somewhere when they heard we were coming?

Anyway, Bush has started a war on terror. He feels the US, and the world, would be safer if all these terrorist groups were gone. How anyone could argue that point is beyond me.


MightyKrendall said:
Bush said during his election campaign that one of the reasons he was going into Iraq was to close in on Iran. I knew we would be going to Iran eventually I just didn't know when. Bush also said that he would prevent Iran getting nukes at any cost. Well, he probably heard something from someone.

As for Iraq not having WMDs, I find it amazing how entire warehouses of material went missing right before we invaded the country. Maybe they, gasp, hid it somewhere when they heard we were coming?

Anyway, Bush has started a war on terror. He feels the US, and the world, would be safer if all these terrorist groups were gone. How anyone could argue that point is beyond me.

Hey, whose side are you on? :confused: :)
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MightyKrendall said:
Anyway, Bush has started a war on terror. He feels the US, and the world, would be safer if all these terrorist groups were gone. How anyone could argue that point is beyond me.

Um, maybe I missed something, but didn't all signs point to Afghanistan housing the terrorists after 9/11? As far as I remember, Iraq was just doing their usual of holding their own people down until the US decided to go to war to search for WMDs and put an end to terrorism. And, yes, I know that taking out Saddam was all well and good, but what about Rwanda? I had no idea that things were that bad (worse than Iraq imho), so why isn't Bush sending soldiers there to help? :2 cents:


Staff member
tunsty said:
North Korea is the real danger on the world scene.
That Kim jong sounds like a real nutjob, but I suspect that America knows that only too well, that's why North Korea is being dealt with by 'diplomatic' means.
Iran is a more Supine country, less likely to be able to withstand the might of the U.S.A. , therefore, it is an easier target.

George Bush seems to have got the idea that being voted in for another four years in some way grants him licence to throw America's weight into yet more conflicts.
The truth I suspect, is that the American people would rather not see any more U.S. soldiers being brought home in body bags.
Bush is back in charge because kerry was a less palletable option, NOT that Americans want more wars and dead servicemen.
I couldn't agree more. :glugglug:


georges said:
I said that there was possibility that Khamenei nukes his neighbours so don't say what I didn't say.
Here are some links that will prove you that Iran is building nukes.

Those links don't offer any proof that their building nukes. Those links are filled with assumptions but no facts. Just like your assumption that Iran would nuke it's neighbors.
"All we are saying!!! Is give Tyranny a chance!!"

My apologies to John Lennon.

Peace is not only the absence of conflict, but the establishment of justice, a justice that has been denied to millions of people around the world by those who impose themselves over them through fear and intimidation. Your state went blue. Good, that is your right. My state went red. Great, that is our right. Dont take your rights for granted. Millions of people around the world are starving for them. And I bet that millions of them are right now on their knees thanking God, Allah, or whoever they pray to that finally the Americans have a president with a political backbone, who is taking decisions that are politically unpopular but who believes that freeing people from their oppresors is the right and moral thing to do.

By the way, if you consider W an oppressor, at least you can get together with a bunch of your buddies in front of the white house, carry some signs, and let him know how you feel without fear of being run over by tanks, or unlike people who used to live under Hussein, without fear of getting your tongue cut out, your eyes gouged out, your wife raped, your children killed, and your parents imprisoned for doing telling Hussein exactly what you really felt about him.


Staff member
Red Spyder said:
"All we are saying!!! Is give Tyranny a chance!!"

My apologies to John Lennon.

Peace is not only the absence of conflict, but the establishment of justice, a justice that has been denied to millions of people around the world by those who impose themselves over them through fear and intimidation. Your state went blue. Good, that is your right. My state went red. Great, that is our right. Dont take your rights for granted. Millions of people around the world are starving for them. And I bet that millions of them are right now on their knees thanking God, Allah, or whoever they pray to that finally the Americans have a president with a political backbone, who is taking decisions that are politically unpopular but who believes that freeing people from their oppresors is the right and moral thing to do.

By the way, if you consider W an oppressor, at least you can get together with a bunch of your buddies in front of the white house, carry some signs, and let him know how you feel without fear of being run over by tanks, or unlike people who used to live under Hussein, without fear of getting your tongue cut out, your eyes gouged out, your wife raped, your children killed, and your parents imprisoned for doing telling Hussein exactly what you really felt about him.

great post :thumbsup: :hatsoff:


georges :georges: