I hate H1N1 virus !


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Ezteban, if you don't mind, please keep us updated on her condition. I have a 9-year old and 6-year old. They have not had it yet, nor been exposed to it that I know of, but it is only a matter of time.
The problem with flu shots are that they only protect you from the strains they saw last year... they do not protect you from new strains/mutations. Not to mention there is a pretty sizeable number of people who will get sick from the shot itself...

It sucks to get H1N1, but to be honest it's no more dangerous than any bad flu strain. The media has hyped this thing up so bad people are scared... what they fail to mention is that thousands die from flu every year in the US, million in the world, and that's way more than have died of swine flu or bird flu. That's not to say that it can't mutate into a bad strain and become a pandemic, just offering that as a little context the media fails to report.

To the OP, sorry you're little girl has it, but if it helps she will be fine. Like any flu, a healthy human will fight it off. :)


Este -

Just keep an eye on her symptoms, keep her from getting chilled, you know ? minimize cold drafts in the home, day and night - a hooded pajama jumpsuit is good, make sure her socks are dry at all times , make certain that she's getting her daily allowance of fluids & nutrients and give her a cherry flavored popsicle and tell her that she'll get another each day if she gets well like a good girl. :D She WILL live to accept another popsicle ... trust me !

What symptoms has she exhibited thus far ? Is Runny Pooh one of them ? :o

No, I generally don't take a flu shot unless I get a notice from my personal physician saying that everything is kosh.
Yes he's a personal friend.
:)Hi my friends !
Thanks a lot for your support :thumbsup:! My little daughter feels better now; she's running and jumping everywhere !:1orglaugh Phew ! I am so happy !


Official Checked Star Member
My friend is in the hospital right now because of that shit. He has been sick for 13 days now. The virus is gone, but he got double pneumonia because of it! I have been taking care of him, until I took him to the ER sunday night, and I am not infected. If you need any tips please let me know!
My friend is in the hospital right now because of that shit. He has been sick for 13 days now. The virus is gone, but he got double pneumonia because of it! I have been taking care of him, until I took him to the ER sunday night, and I am not infected. If you need any tips please let me know!

Glad to know you are not infected :)! My daughter feels better since she dinks aloe vera, honey and ginkgo. May be you can try to prevent ?!:dunno:
Kisses Sasha !:lovecoupl
Glad to know you are not infected :)! My daughter feels better since she dinks aloe vera, honey and ginkgo. May be you can try to prevent ?!:dunno:
Kisses Sasha !:lovecoupl

Glad to hear she's back on her feet ez. All the above excellent for the immune system. Good parenting :thumbsup:
^Thanks for the useful link MD, excellent update there on events. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this particular swine flu...God, I hope I'm wrong.