They are starting to had out vaccinations up here... to old people.
Fuck the old people! They are just going to die of something else anyway. They need to vaccinate the young so they can defend the country when the swines revolt!
My sweet little 2 years old daughter is now infected with H1N1 virus.
I just want to say how much I hate the person or the thing who created this horrible virus !
That is really scary ! did she get it at school ?
I have two kids one 4 and one 3 months old and I am so afraid of them getting it since my oldest is in school and a woman that lives near me just died of it .
I hope your little girl gets better very soon , my thoughts are with you
That is really scary ! did she get it at school ?
I have two kids one 4 and one 3 months old and I am so afraid of them getting it since my oldest is in school and a woman that lives near me just died of it .
I hope your little girl gets better very soon , my thoughts are with you
Yep, she get it at school like many other children ! Now she feels better (she jumps and run everywhere ), she has been sick for a week and her brother too ! Today they are both ok without vaccine ! It was not that horrible, finally !:o