I feel so dizzy today.
I was cleaning my apartment and I had to sit down for a couple of minutes. As I mentioned in my other thread, Ive been sick for a couple of days so that's probably the reason for my dizziness. I had diarrhea and lost massive amounts of water so I'm drinking a lot of water to regain a healthy water balance.
I'm also a bit sad because the bus stop where I live has been vandalized. The lid to the trash can is missing and there are burn marks on the bench. On one of the walls, they have sprayed "Iron Maiden" so I guess it's young people who have done this (if it now was the people who sprayed who also ruined the trash can and the bench). Since the lid to the trash can is missing, the birds are now also pulling out trash on the ground so it looks very messy and dirty as well.
I don't understand why people do like this. In the end, we ALL have to pay to have it repaired through our taxes and perhaps higher bus fees.
I'll watch a BBC documentary called "Life in the Undergrowth" by David Attenborough this evening after supper. It's about insects and spiders that live in the bushes and on the ground. I'm especially interested in ants so it will be exciting to see how they build nests and collect food.
Thank you!
I was cleaning my apartment and I had to sit down for a couple of minutes. As I mentioned in my other thread, Ive been sick for a couple of days so that's probably the reason for my dizziness. I had diarrhea and lost massive amounts of water so I'm drinking a lot of water to regain a healthy water balance.
I'm also a bit sad because the bus stop where I live has been vandalized. The lid to the trash can is missing and there are burn marks on the bench. On one of the walls, they have sprayed "Iron Maiden" so I guess it's young people who have done this (if it now was the people who sprayed who also ruined the trash can and the bench). Since the lid to the trash can is missing, the birds are now also pulling out trash on the ground so it looks very messy and dirty as well.
I don't understand why people do like this. In the end, we ALL have to pay to have it repaired through our taxes and perhaps higher bus fees.
I'll watch a BBC documentary called "Life in the Undergrowth" by David Attenborough this evening after supper. It's about insects and spiders that live in the bushes and on the ground. I'm especially interested in ants so it will be exciting to see how they build nests and collect food.
Thank you!