I feel so dizzy


I feel so dizzy today.

I was cleaning my apartment and I had to sit down for a couple of minutes. As I mentioned in my other thread, Ive been sick for a couple of days so that's probably the reason for my dizziness. I had diarrhea and lost massive amounts of water so I'm drinking a lot of water to regain a healthy water balance.

I'm also a bit sad because the bus stop where I live has been vandalized. The lid to the trash can is missing and there are burn marks on the bench. On one of the walls, they have sprayed "Iron Maiden" so I guess it's young people who have done this (if it now was the people who sprayed who also ruined the trash can and the bench). Since the lid to the trash can is missing, the birds are now also pulling out trash on the ground so it looks very messy and dirty as well.

I don't understand why people do like this. In the end, we ALL have to pay to have it repaired through our taxes and perhaps higher bus fees. :(

I'll watch a BBC documentary called "Life in the Undergrowth" by David Attenborough this evening after supper. It's about insects and spiders that live in the bushes and on the ground. I'm especially interested in ants so it will be exciting to see how they build nests and collect food.

Thank you!
Is there a question in there somewhere?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
For the diarrhea I recommend fruit nectar if possible to replenish the electrolytes, (though possibly mixed with water if your stomach is still feeling queasy.)

I am very sad to hear about that vandals at your bustop. Although Iron Maiden does rule, those youngsters should find better ways to express it.

I am also very interested in insects and spiders, and a big fan of David Attenborough, and look forward to your account of the show.

Best Regards


I don't think he's British, he lives in an Apartment rather than a Flat :dunno:

Hello Ulysses!

Yes, that's correct. I'm living in Sweden but I was born in India. I didn't speak English when I arrived in Sweden so I've learnt it here. I guess that they say "flat" instead of "apartment" in India.

I think it's common to mix American and British expressions when you're not an English native speaker. I'm sorry for that but I'm still learning and I'll try harder to avoid this in the future.

Thank you!
Hello Ulysses!

Yes, that's correct. I'm living in Sweden but I was born in India. I didn't speak English when I arrived in Sweden so I've learnt it here. I guess that they say "flat" instead of "apartment" in India.

I think it's common to mix American and British expressions when you're not an English native speaker. I'm sorry for that but I'm still learning and I'll try harder to avoid this in the future.

Thank you!

Cool :glugglug: So do you think Anni Dewani was killed by her husband or is he being set up by the South African authorities :confused:


Cool :glugglug: So do you think Anni Dewani was killed by her husband or is he being set up by the South African authorities :confused:

I have no idea really. I had to google it because I haven't heard of it before.

A strange and also tragic story. It's sad what people are able to do just for money (if this now was the case).

Thank you!
If that's your picture in your avatar I suggest you remove it, there are posters on this board that will start jacking off to it, no word of a lie.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Put this fellar in a germ free bubble and then we can bounce him up and down on the pavement.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
If that's your picture in your avatar I suggest you remove it, there are posters on this board that will start jacking off to it, no word of a lie.

Yeah, but at least I won't be jacking off to it because I know he's a dude. (Your avatar I've jacked to many times.)

So don't listen to him Slaback, your avatar is a classic!

For the diarrhea I recommend fruit nectar if possible to replenish the electrolytes, (though possibly mixed with water if your stomach is still feeling queasy.)

I am very sad to hear about that vandals at your bustop. Although Iron Maiden does rule, those youngsters should find better ways to express it.

I am also very interested in insects and spiders, and a big fan of David Attenborough, and look forward to your account of the show.

Best Regards

Hello Ike Stain!

Thank you very much for your advice. I'll certainly try fruit nectar if I can get some today.

I have some links to the BBC documentary "Life in the Undergrowth" if anyone is interested.



Thank you!
This is a brilliant idea.

I'm gonna start posting my daily routine on here, along with other random anecdotes that nobody gives a fuck about.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I buy new boots today.

Are the boots satisfactory? Are they of good quality? If so what is the brand and model?

(As a person who on occassion wears boots, this is of some interest to me.)


I buy new boots today.

I often buy my shoes used since I'm unemployed and have to save money. After I have bought them, I put them in the freezer over night to get rid of bacteria which can cause odor. I always wear leather shoes such as loafers and with a little shoe shine and a few minutes of work, they look like new.

Do you wear loafers or do you prefer other types of shoes?

In this link you can read more a bout the freezer method.


Thank you!