I am afraid I am going to have to defend Obama on not showing up for the Paris march

Someone with more details and the timeline will have to correct me if I am wrong. But here is how I see this situation, a lot are piling on right now about him being a no-show.

1- Was this thing not even announced until Thursday or Friday? Then held yesterday?

2- All of the other leaders were mostly European and it was a very short trip to Paris for them to attend.

3. The POTUS rarely makes any impromptu visits anywhere and USSS usually have a few days beforehand for a security sweep.

4- Not to take away from the tragedy at Charlie Hebdo , but they lost 12 people in the massacre we lost 3000+ on 9/11. I don't recall any world leaders dropping what they were doing to fly to Washington right away.

Those with more info can correct me if I am wrong but I just don't see how the President could attend on such short notice. Maybe if they held it this week he could have attended.

I think there is a lot of overreaction about this.

What say you?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
No, you're not wrong. However, Holder was in Paris attending some sort of conference on how to fuck up a country from within and he could've gone.


I expected a certain other someone to bring this up. But all the points you raised were the points I was going to make.

I think it was John Kerry that they were pointing at though. But he was in a worse part of the world, doing his job.

Right now, on my Google news page, the White House is admitting they should have sent someone "higher profile." Since this is "role reversal" day, I'm going to call Obama a nitwit for this. Fuck 'em, they don't need an apology. If our Ambassador to France isn't good enough to walk down the street holding hands, then they can have a hot, steaming cup of get over it.

Ironically, the last thing the satirists of Charlie Hebdo would have wanted, is to be a unifying force of all the government fatcats of the world.
Thanks guys. Honestly, I have listened to talk radio today and the conspiracy theories were off the chain. I found myself yelling back at the radio in the car to people I usually agree with. Sometimes you got to go with the most reasonable explanation instead of making political hay. This is a non issue with me. Maybe it was a fuck up and maybe Kerry should have attended but this has been blown way out of proportion IMHO.
Someone with more details and the timeline will have to correct me if I am wrong. But here is how I see this situation, a lot are piling on right now about him being a no-show.

1- Was this thing not even announced until Thursday or Friday? Then held yesterday?

2- All of the other leaders were mostly European and it was a very short trip to Paris for them to attend.

3. The POTUS rarely makes any impromptu visits anywhere and USSS usually have a few days beforehand for a security sweep.

4- Not to take away from the tragedy at Charlie Hebdo , but they lost 12 people in the massacre we lost 3000+ on 9/11. I don't recall any world leaders dropping what they were doing to fly to Washington right away.

Those with more info can correct me if I am wrong but I just don't see how the President could attend on such short notice. Maybe if they held it this week he could have attended.

I think there is a lot of overreaction about this.

What say you?

Glad we could agree on something. I agree that POTUS himself shouldn't have been there just because it was on short notice and it would've been a logistical nightmare for the Secret Service to have him out there in the middle of such a large crowd. However, I do think that we should've sent someone with a higher profile than the the Ambassador to France. I mean we could've sent Biden, Kerry, or even the First Lady. But on a more critical point, it's easy for all these world leaders to show up at a march, but how many of the countries represented at the rally are participating in the military effort against Daesh? These conservatives can blast Obama all they want, just realize that the U.S is the one doing all the grunt work in Iraq and Syria
Security issues abound. I support Obama but I don't think there's any reason to be butthurt about his lack of an appearance in Paris. Did leaders of foreign states show up in the US after the Oklahoma City bombings? Columbine? Sandy Hook? Any of our other senseless tragedies?

Fuck radio talk shows.

Will E Worm

Yep he has a middle name that strikes fear! You need to get a life! Don't worry, he'll be gone soon enough and then you can hate on a woman president.

No, his name is, Barry Soetoro.

Hopefully that will not happen.

Security issues abound. I support Obama but I don't think there's any reason to be butthurt about his lack of an appearance in Paris. Did leaders of foreign states show up in the US after the Oklahoma City bombings? Columbine? Sandy Hook? Any of our other senseless tragedies?

Fuck radio talk shows.

Talk radio is good.

The world is supposedly fighting "terrorism."

So, asking if they showed up here is stupid.

There were many here at Columbine. A planned event and sacrifice.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

Don't be afraid to copy and paste this wherever and whenever he pops up. He loves the recognition.


Official Checked Star Member
He could have sent someone, though. Biden or something.
The problem is that he didn't go because he was busy or little notice, but because his agenda is not to get officially involved with anything which mentions Islam attached to violence. He is a moderate muslim and his main concern after the Paris attacks is to warn the world about islamophobia.

I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
- Barack Hussein Obama II
1-3 Jimmy Carter was on The Daily Show tonight, it was mentioned that the event was announced only 36 hours earlier, so the usual Secret Service prep couldn't be done. It turns out AG Holder was there (Paris) but didn't attend.

4 - I don't particularly recall either but do remember the VP was kept at an undisclosed site (*cough* Camp David) and they had Bush flying around in Air Force One a couple of days while virtually every other plane was grounded.