Cybie said:
and there will be more and more powerful hurricaines in the future because of global warming.
When will GWB take responsibility for that?
Oh, come on!!! Let's be just a tad bit more realistic (and compassionate) here!!!
#1 This is a thread about the damage to New Orleans and the surrounding areas and states caused by Hurricane Katrina... not a politically-charged or motivated diatribe against President George W. Bush. If you want to do that, create a thread elsewhere and rant away. I'll join in on it myself. Otherwise, stay on topic and discuss what's relevant to the thread.
#2 To reverse my previous statement and to answer your post:
How can President Bush even be conceivably blamed for the hurricanes or inclement weather of the future?? To even begin to believe that man (let alone ONE man) can control weather is just point-blank naive, foolish, and completely irrelevant to the issue. True,
Global Warming has had - and will continue to have - a negative impact on the environment until we
ALL (every last one of us on this planet... man, woman, and child) take responsibility...
it's not up to just one man in a position of power... for the environment and how we interact with the earth on a daily basis.
A hurricane, tornado, flash flood, ice storm, snow storm, flash flood (ad nauseum) are all classified as "Acts Of God"... man cannot control weather even if he tried. True, certain measures can be taken to
help prevent future damages, but the likelihood of the rest of the world's leaders agreeing upon, acting on, falling in step with, and adhering to those ideas are quite unlikely to happen. It will take a concerted, united effort on the part of
all civilized and industrialized countries/nations to somehow reverse - or even try to arrest - the damaging effects to our planet that we are dealing with right now. Mother Nature has a way of leveling out the playing field in case you hadn't noticed by now.
I respectfully submit that you step back and take a moment to refresh yourself or further study geology, meteorology, and oceanography to become better acquainted with the subject at hand.
I understand what your point is with your post, but please... show some compassion and respect to all the people who have been affected by this tragedy of nature. Your entitled to your views and opinions, but this thread is not the place for it. If you want to debate the topic, create the thread in the appropriate section/Forum and we'll debate it intelligently.
Now... shall we continue with the topic at hand, please?