Hundreds of Scientists Reject Global Warming

I think what he is trying to say is that there is no scientific evidence to prove this current theory of mankind being behind this warming. Just a theory and speculations.

The same description could be said about evolution or gravity even.
Edit: Should have addressed the "No scientific evidence part".I have heard many scientists say that global warming is one of the most researched and documented fields of science there is right now.
The same description could be said about evolution or gravity even.
Edit: Should have addressed the "No scientific evidence part".I have heard many scientists say that global warming is one of the most researched and documented fields of science there is right now.

Global warming is real, no doubt about that.

But why is it happening, what`s causing it?
This theory about the greenhouse gases is just that, a theory, speculation.
I`m not saying it`s a lie or that it`s not true.

But if someone claims that he knows that it`s true, then he don`t know what he`s talking about - or then he`s simply lying.

How does this Al Gore/IPCC theory explain this?
A graphical description of changes in temperature in Greenland from 500 – 1990 A.D. based on analysis of the deep ice core from Greenland and some historical events.

About the Viking settlements in Greenland(quote from Wikipedia)
"At that time, the inner regions of the long fjords where the settlements where located were very different from today. Excavations show that there were considerable birch woods with trees up to 4 to 6 meters high in the area around the inner parts of the Tunuliarfik- and Aniaaq-fjords, the central area of the Eastern settlement, and the hills were grown with grass and willow brushes. This was due to the medieval climate optimum. The Norse soon changed the vegetation by cutting down the trees to use as building material and for heating and by extensive sheep and goat grazing during summer and winter. The climate in Greenland was much warmer during the first centuries of settlement but became increasingly colder in the 14th and 15th centuries with the approaching period of colder weather known as the Little Ice Age."
Global warming is real, no doubt about that.

But why is it happening, what`s causing it?
This theory about the greenhouse gases is just that, a theory, speculation.
I`m not saying it`s a lie or that it`s not true.

But if someone claims that he knows that it`s true, then he don`t know what he`s talking about - or then he`s simply lying.

How does this Al Gore/IPCC theory explain this?
A graphical description of changes in temperature in Greenland from 500 – 1990 A.D. based on analysis of the deep ice core from Greenland and some historical events.

About the Viking settlements in Greenland(quote from Wikipedia)
"At that time, the inner regions of the long fjords where the settlements where located were very different from today. Excavations show that there were considerable birch woods with trees up to 4 to 6 meters high in the area around the inner parts of the Tunuliarfik- and Aniaaq-fjords, the central area of the Eastern settlement, and the hills were grown with grass and willow brushes. This was due to the medieval climate optimum. The Norse soon changed the vegetation by cutting down the trees to use as building material and for heating and by extensive sheep and goat grazing during summer and winter. The climate in Greenland was much warmer during the first centuries of settlement but became increasingly colder in the 14th and 15th centuries with the approaching period of colder weather known as the Little Ice Age."

This has been debated before here and many other places.Do you really think that if there was any room for doubt the current Bush administration would admit it's true?They do you know.And since we are using wikepedia which I think is reliable have a look at this.
It's all Heat Miser's fault.

I'm Mister Green Christmas
I'm Mister Sun
I'm Mister Heat Blister
I'm Mister Hundred and One
They call me Heat Miser,
What ever I touch
Starts to melt in my clutch
I'm too much!

He's Mister Green Christmas
He's Mister Sun
He's Mister Heat Blister
He's Mister Hundred and One

They call me Heat Miser,
What ever I touch
Starts to melt in my clutch

He's too much!

Thank you!
I never want to see a day
That's under sixty degrees
I'd rather have it eighty,
Ninety, one hundred degrees!
Oh, some like it hot, but I like it
REALLY hot! Hee hee!

He's Mister Green Christmas
He's Mister Sun

Sing it!

He's Mister Heat Blister
He's Mister Hundred and One

They call me Heat Miser,
What ever I touch
Starts to melt in my clutch
I'm too much!

Too Much!
You know, the question of man's involvement in global warming, the question of the actual existence of global warming, both of these have been such hot button issues. And I come down very strongly on one of the two sides.

However, I think there are fantastic arguments on the RIGHT as well as the left for conservation and alternative fuel.

:2 cents:A few thoughts:

First off, I cannot believe that anyone who calls themselves a "conservative" would have any problem with the idea of conservation and recycling. My grandparents lived through the depression; they recycled before anyone ever really thought about that kind of thing. They used everything the bought. The used coffee filters three and four times. These were conservative people. They considered it a virtue to not waste.

Second, ethanol is bunk. Corn is a terrible crop that strips the soil of nutrients. And I cannot believe that Republicans support corn subsidies. It's the least fiscally conservative notion ever that the government should interfere with the market in favor of the supply side.

Third, the argument for moving to sustainable fuels and away from fossil fuels specifically for security reasons is very compelling. If we don't need the oil, the we don't have to deal with douchebags like The House of Saud and Hugo Chavez. If we support ourselves with sustainable energy sources, we create jobs for Americans, we stimulate growth, and we devalue the resource that has changed the face of the earth. Oil's been great, but it's time to cut the apron strings. Then maybe we can leave them people alone and let them figure out their problems. Might be a safer world.

(Either that or I'm a big ole douchebag)
This has been debated before here and many other places.Do you really think that if there was any room for doubt the current Bush administration would admit it's true?They do you know.And since we are using wikepedia which I think is reliable have a look at this.

Sure it has been debated everywhere since this Al Gore movie came out. But no one has convinced me yet. Actually about a year ago I still believed most of this theory, but has come more and more suspicious as I have learned more about it.

I used Wikipedia only because it would take too much trouble and time to start searching evidence for you randomly from the net.
Everything that was said in those links are well known facts since long time before this current climate change hype. Did you read about Vikings in history classes in school? When I was in school, this current warming wasn`t a big topic as it is now, but Vikings in Greenland already died because the climate got colder :)
Not to even mention ice ages....

If you think that the continuous and on going climate change since the beginning of the atmosphere of this planet is bogus, then what can I say?
Try finding a climatologist who denies that.

Bush administration don`t know more about this than the rest of mankind, but they have to "admit it" because everybody believes what IPCC says and denying it is starting to cost them too much international and national reputation. Makes them look like selfish more comment about that. :D
I`m not American and I don`t look at this topic as another Democrats vs Republicans battle.

And remember, I don`t exactly deny it either, I`m just questioning it.
I don`t know if it will be proved to be right one day. Hell, perhaps one day I will get proper evidence that it was God after all who created this planet. Then I would have to believe that too. Right now I don`t believe either of them, but I can`t prove them wrong either. to admit that one of those theories seems a bit wilder than the other, but still...hope you get the point :)

...but, have any of you ever thought about it like this; what if this greenhouse gas theory is not right about this...and it`s something else that`s causing it? ...and the climate will keep on getting warmer and warmer no matter how much we try to reduce using fossile fuels. Everybody just tries to convince each other that it`s the greenhouse gases that are frying our planet and it is so important to convince everybody about this that it`s not allowed to even think about other possibilities. You are automatically doomed as an selfish idiot or a lobbyist....and it keeps getting hotter, and people are trying and trying to burn less and less fossile fuels...but it keeps getting hotter and hotter, and Mr.Gore and the environmental groups who are "in the know" keep saying that we told you....and it just keeps on getting warmer....and no one dares to even question this official truth, because they don`t want to be selfish idiots or, what`s even worse, lobbyists of the big bad industry :eek:

Ahem...time to take those yellow pills the doc gave me... :D


Closed Account
Wasn't that exactly what I was saying a few weeks ago?... Yup. Maybe they should add Dave Rhino to that list of scientists.


I am in no way willing to accept a global subjugation policy which we will be forced to endure, if we're only dealing with a hypothesis. Be certain that there are capitalists and socialists alike, who are deeply invested in a preferred outcome. Remember . . . ? Absolute Power Corrupts ! How would an ultimate "Climate Change" policy change your life ? Do you have any idea ? Restrictions may just lead to the loss of your employ. Think about it ! Will your job return, if for example, the "Climate Change" Concept had been determined as folly ? Not likely !

Hell, we've already had millions of our careers sold out to lower bidders in the PRC. It's no wonder why there's millions of home foreclosures and individuals can't save money ! A huge majority of these people have either taken a sizeable pay cut or have lost their job all together. They attempt to live the lives that they had, prior to their jobs being displaced.

Reprimand the CEO / CFO Business elite & Chain of Power Govt. culture, not the working people of the world ! Global Warming . . oops ! "Climate Change" seemingly, is only a distractive theoretical mechanism for which we could only be further manipulated, as the ultra wealthy, left and right wing scum consume an even greater portion in what remains, of our essential liberties. ;)

In many ways, That's what I believe is going on here, a multinational power grab.
Everybody is so busy arguing about WHAT is causing global warming, I think we need to take a step back further and ask whether global warming actually EXISTS?

As I've said many times to those who just don't want to listen to any solid arguments (Fox), there has really been no appreciable increase in global temps in recent times.
Also, CO2 levels have been noted to FOLLOW temperature fluctuations, not PRECEDE them, so that shoots the whole greenhouse gas theory out the window.
Beyond that, many studies have shown a natural cycle of global warming and cooling that's been going on a lot longer than our industrialized civilization.

What makes everybody so sure that the Earth is getting that much hotter????


mongo18 said:
Everybody is so busy arguing about WHAT is causing global warming

It keeps a good number of us occupied, doesn't it ? ;)

i completely agree with this and im glad its finally published

Welcome ! :hatsoff:

Comment from / for below - Wikipedia isn't invested ? Just who exactly makes up their rank and file ?
I will just post this one little temp change chart from the wikipedia link I put earlier and then I think I will probably give up debating this here.Its been done so many times already that its just getting to be re-hashes of everything said before.Really I don't think its that important what any of us beleive because I do not beleive anything significant to stem the problem will be done.But my advice is depending on your age is live hard and have fun now cause it won't be long probably till you may all be very wet lol.I think in less than 10 yrs there will be no one who has any doubts.The planet has probably passed the tipping point already and we are seeing real effects NOW.But beleive what ever pleases you it really is all the same to me lol.Oh and just look at this graph and tell yourself "no recent warming".It all coincidently begins with the birth of industrialization and the population EXPLOSION which I have discussed before and provided links on.


Question Authorities ! Is all I ask. I'm surprised that this message doesn't click with everybody.

Let not this issue not become a religion, if you will. ;)

To discuss overpopulation would only have some of you crying racism !

Europe, UK, America is not reproducing at this time, we're a dying breed.
Question Authorities ! Is all I ask. I'm surprised that this message doesn't click with everybody.

Let not this issue not become a religion, if you will. ;)

To discuss overpopulation would only have some of you crying racism !

Europe, UK, America is not reproducing at this time, we're a dying breed.

If people want to bitch about this issue, they need look no further than China and India to find the culprits. I'm glad we opted out of the Kyoto Treaty.


Closed Account
I actually work in climate sciences, and rely on ScienceDirect, Wiley InterScience and PubMed for my reading, not Wiki, Red Tops and opinion pages. Global Warming is happening, the influence is from humans, although the amount is yet not fully determined, and there are things we can do about it. We need to do them now, and fast. If not for climate change, as some claim wrongly that it is not happening, just for our own environment and habitation.