who hates great debates?
i believe more though that it is natural
i believe more though that it is natural
I think what he is trying to say is that there is no scientific evidence to prove this current theory of mankind being behind this warming. Just a theory and speculations.
The same description could be said about evolution or gravity even.
Edit: Should have addressed the "No scientific evidence part".I have heard many scientists say that global warming is one of the most researched and documented fields of science there is right now.
Global warming is real, no doubt about that.
But why is it happening, what`s causing it?
This theory about the greenhouse gases is just that, a theory, speculation.
I`m not saying it`s a lie or that it`s not true.
But if someone claims that he knows that it`s true, then he don`t know what he`s talking about - or then he`s simply lying.
How does this Al Gore/IPCC theory explain this?
A graphical description of changes in temperature in Greenland from 500 – 1990 A.D. based on analysis of the deep ice core from Greenland and some historical events.
About the Viking settlements in Greenland(quote from Wikipedia)
"At that time, the inner regions of the long fjords where the settlements where located were very different from today. Excavations show that there were considerable birch woods with trees up to 4 to 6 meters high in the area around the inner parts of the Tunuliarfik- and Aniaaq-fjords, the central area of the Eastern settlement, and the hills were grown with grass and willow brushes. This was due to the medieval climate optimum. The Norse soon changed the vegetation by cutting down the trees to use as building material and for heating and by extensive sheep and goat grazing during summer and winter. The climate in Greenland was much warmer during the first centuries of settlement but became increasingly colder in the 14th and 15th centuries with the approaching period of colder weather known as the Little Ice Age."
This has been debated before here and many other places.Do you really think that if there was any room for doubt the current Bush administration would admit it's true?They do you know.And since we are using wikepedia which I think is reliable have a look at this.
I absolutely cannot believe you guys. You guys give me so little hope for our future when I'm trying to hope.
mongo18 said:Everybody is so busy arguing about WHAT is causing global warming
i completely agree with this and im glad its finally published
Question Authorities ! Is all I ask. I'm surprised that this message doesn't click with everybody.
Let not this issue not become a religion, if you will.
To discuss overpopulation would only have some of you crying racism !
Europe, UK, America is not reproducing at this time, we're a dying breed.