Hulk Hogan or Macho Man Randy Savage?

Hulk Hogan or Macho Man Randy Savage?

  • Hulkamainia Is Runnin' Wild Brother!

    Votes: 33 48.5%
  • OOOH YEAH! Macho Maddness DIG IT!

    Votes: 36 52.9%

  • Total voters
Hulk Hogan has the in-ring skills of a sloth.

That being said, if not for Hulkamania running wild, pro wrestling would have remained regionalized and most of us would have never heard of Macho Man Randy Savage.

It is for that reason I say the Hulkster.
Hulk Hogan has the in-ring skills of a sloth.

That being said, if not for Hulkamania running wild, pro wrestling would have remained regionalized and most of us would have never heard of Macho Man Randy Savage.

It is for that reason I say the Hulkster.

But when it comes down performing then Savage beats Hogan by miles.
Hogan was to cheesy for me to like, Savage was so flashy and much more entertaining


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Hulk Hogan or Macho Man Randy Savage?

Who did you like more in the 80s/90s?

::stares at the topic creator::

... cmon.. where's the punchline? Where's the third option: PRIYA RAI?

Colonel.. you're a wily one! lolol ;)
Hulk Hogan was cool in the early 80s. Then he was cool as Hollywood Hogan, which was the most important (and well executed) heel turn in the industry. There would be no Pro Wrestling today without the Hulkster...

HOWEVER...Macho Man was the FAR SUPERIOR wrestler and his strange mic work was legendary EVEN THOUGH nobody could remember or understand what the hell he was talking about ever...Macho Man also took part in the GREATEST SINGLE MATCH EVER with his match with Ricky The Dragon Steamboat at WMIII...PLUS...Macho Man had a very "Sarah Palin" effect on Wrestling when he debuted the most important Diva ever...Miss Elizabeth...

I prefer Macho Man over Hogan...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Hulk Hogan sucks. Yeah, I said it.

Hulk Hogan didn't "make" wrestling...wrestling "made" Hulk Hogan. The only reason Hulk Hogan is a legend is because they purposely made him a hero in order to sell over their product. Other than that, he's a joke. He can't wrestle, his gimmick sucks and he looks stupid too.

Will E Worm

Macho Man wrestles better. Hogan is about a three move wonder.
Just a name and a gimmick.

Ric Flair is the best. Wooooooooo! :thumbsup:
Randy Savage all the way. Hogan was a poser.

When Randy would climb the turnbuckle and launch off with that huge flying looked devastating, even though it was fake, it had to hurt.

Remember when Savage came off the ropes and hit Ricky "Dragon" Steamboat with the bell as his throat was across the metal barriers outside the ring. Ricky almost died and never spoke right again. Those were the days of great WWF wresting.

And lets not forget..

Hogan was fun to watch but the Macho Man was thet op boy for me when I started watching wrestling in late 80's/early 90's.
Just enjoyed Macho's character so much more.


Hiliary 2020
Let me tell you somethin Mean Jean, they were both pretty cool to me brother, oh yeaah.
A little history for some of you who don't know from someone who was there.
Around 1978 to 1983 The champion was Bob Backlund, he was kinda like the Opie Cunnigham of wrestling, kinda boring actually.
Around 82 Vince McMahon discovered Hulk Hogan and wanted him to be champion, but If Hogan fought and beat Backlund ( A good guy) that would Automatically make Hogan a bad guy,( which he was up until that time).
So the Iron Sheik from Iran was brought in to destroy Backlund with the Camel clutch and win the Title.
The table was now set for Hogan. The Sheik was the perfect opponent to beat for the title because of the overall anti Iran sentiment in the U.S. at the time.
I remember there was actually supposed to be a Backlund-Sheik rematch, but Hogan showed up instead of Backlund and beat The Sheik.

The rest is history.

He also plays a mean guitar:


i dont like either
Macho Man was much more fun to watch, plus he was a minor league baseball player before he became a wrestler, so he's my favorite of the two.

Of course Hogan oils up his daughter pretty well. In fact, just the way I would have done in that situation. Of course, I'm not her father.......
Voted for Hulk Hogan, but i prefer the Rock more ...

Best one ever that i even saw in real once was a mexican, with a mask called Thunder Liger ... about ten years ago, whenever he was on, i watched
Voted for Hulk Hogan, but i prefer the Rock more ...

Best one ever that i even saw in real once was a mexican, with a mask called Thunder Liger ... about ten years ago, whenever he was on, i watched

Jushin "Thunder" Liger? He's Japanese. He had some awesome matches against "Flyin" Brian Pillman back in WCW.