How would you react...

...if you found out your wife/daughter were in the porn biz?

This is STRICTLY hypothetical. It does not imply any illegal incestuous relationship.

I mean you get some folks who'll cut the kid off (you're dead to me) and others who will accept it (your life, your choice)...

Just wondering where the 3-1's folk stand on this issue.

* I am not a parent, but hold current views which may change. What do those who are parents here say?
The wife would be history for me and if it was my daughter it would probably freak me out. Its like your son saying he is gay or w/e, it will freak you out but you can't do anything about it so basically the only thing you can do is to accept it. If i ever have kids they have to do worse then this before i "stop" loving them.

I also think i would blame myself for the way i raised my kids.
For a wife... Probably gonna explode from jealousy. I'd try to not act like an asshole, but I don't think that I would embrace the fact that she would fuck with other people for a living, and not only that, but countless other people will watch and jerk off on her.
I honestly don't know how pornstars manage to have relationships unless it's with other people from the business.

For a daughter... I'd probably take a look at one of her movies out of morbid curiosity. Not in incestous way, don't get me wrong, but the curiosity would eat me up. And probably not going to approve it, but I'd be less mad to a daughter than a wife.

Lucky for me, I'm not married and I don't plan to have kids, so I'd be fine.
I'm not a father, but would much rather my daughter was a pornstar then having a son who is inclined to stated behavior. The latter would kill me.

If it was the arty stuff like FTV or stills, I'd not mind too much with a daughter.
For a daughter... I'd probably take a look at one of her movies out of morbid curiosity. Not in incestous way, don't get me wrong, but the curiosity would eat me up. And probably not going to approve it, but I'd be less mad to a daughter than a wife.

Agree with part 2, but as for part 1...honestly cant say.

Curiosity must be there, but the standards of family relations are sacrosanct.
Yeah I know that. That's why I considered your point on curiosity.

That is perhaps a whole new thread...
with the wife thing.... im sure that would intro you to a whole new culture, i.e. pornstar parties and whatnot. and im sure she wouldnt mind it if u in turn enjoyed urself physically with one or more of those pornstars at said party. shit, she might even be curious what it would be like to see you fucking someone else and ask to watch. there is also the entire financial side that would benefit you and your wife.... another plus. it would take some getting used to but..... ya know what if she is a woman that needs to have a little side dish with her meat and potatoes, at least its on the up and up this way and not an affair. as for the daughter...... gee i really dont even wanna explore that idea....
yes i guess those would be good stepping stones to overcome before acting like i know what im talking about on this subject. my opinions might change drastically once i do....
I'd prefer my family to find mainstream professions. Nevertheless, if porn were an option derived out of a natural curiosity and with full understanding and consent along with frank discussions, who am I to judge another's coice of careeer?
My family love would never end in such a hypothetical situation.
I think either could be cool. Re: new social circle thru wife, never considered that immense + side.
I'd never 'disown' my kid, no matter what she did.

As for my wife? For going behind my back and fucking other guys (porn or otherwise)? I'd divorce her yesterday.

You'd be cool with wife doing g/g stuff? or stills?

If she went behind my back? No.

But if she asked me first and wasen't making a fool of herself? Sure.

My daughter would be a different story. I wouldn't want her to at all. But I would still love her and be there for her if she ever needed me.
It's her life, not mine.

Parents that disown their kids for any reason are SHITTY parents.
I have no problem with either doing classy adult stuff...ftv type or nude art. Films with different guys each week....another question. I'm strongly for letting people live their lives...atleast porn represents a safe(ish) environment.