how to talk to females


My Penis Is Dancing!
I've found that treating the lady like a normal person, instead of putting the pussy on a pedestal works best for me. Treat her like a normal human being, talk to her about her and your interests (I am sure you will find something in common), current events (best stay away from touchy subjects like politics at first, though), or even something simple like the weather. Listen to what she says and interact with that - in other words, talk with her, rather thank talk to her.

And, if that doesn't work, jerk off into a yogurt, give it to her, then let her know that she just ate your cum. You will most certainly get a conversation going on there.
Pick up lines don't's all about charisma/confidence. Bottom line: Just go up and say "Hi" and let things go from there. From personal experience, making a girl laugh works the best!
:2 cents:


Was King of the Board for a Day
Women appreciate a man who will take care of and nurture them, for example by walking them home on a dark night.

So first find a nice dark street in which to Lurk (Dirk will be able to help there I suspect) and lie in wait.
When you see a girl walking home alone it is critical you act in the right manner so that you don't scare her or say something that would make her think you're some kind of freak. The only way to keep the conversation on a subject that will not involve you saying anything that will make her think you're a freak. For this reason you must control the conversation from the start.
This means you must start the conversation in a very specific way: shout "CONSENT!" at the top of your voice. This word, shouted at the top of your voice instantly shows a woman that you're an assertive alpha-male (alpha-males are also known as Totally Worthless Arrogant Tossers in the absence of a suitable acronym...) and she will be instantly ready to have sex with you. Unfortunately you must make love in the style of an alpha-male or she will realise you're not one and reject you.

So after you shout "CONSENT!" jump on her, tackle her to the ground, rip her clothes off and take her. Remember however that although she will love every minute of being ravaged by an alpha-male societal norms tell her it is wrong and she must make you work for it - she may attempt some weak resistance. Remember that the resistance is genuine, she just needs some proof that you're an alpha male, so grab her by the hair to pull her head up, then put your hand firmly on her head and smack it into the ground. Be sure to shout something suitably alpha-male like "BITCH!" as you do so. If she's new to this you may notice a brief smile play across her face.

Be sure to finish quickly; an alpha-male doesn't take time to satisfy his partner. After you finish, spit on her, then leave your name and address on a card on her body while she's pretend crying as though she didn't enjoy it.
Wait, after waiting the pre-requisite 3 days required by societal norms she will contact you asking for a repeat of the experience. Remember to keep the facade of alpha-male up (rent a BMW if you can) and you will be fine. :)

And nine months later, I was born. Story of my life.

Just be yourself. Mega's right though, physical attraction does play a part in relationships (even just casual talking). Think about it, would you want to carry on a conversation with someone whom you were repulsed by? (That may be a bit strong, but I'm trying to draw an example) However, even if you're not tall, dark, and handsome, confidence goes a long way.

And if you can fake that, you're in like flint.
Been there, stared longingly at that, dreamed of how she looks in the T-shirt

Just talk. Women are kind of a different society from men, but they're not that alien. Once the nervous part of you figures out that nothing awful's going to happen when you do talk to her, it gets easier.

A lot of girls probably think your attitude of "no lines" and "it's what's inside that counts" is really sweet and romantic.


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Approved Content Owner
dr shimmy suggests the immersion method. get a shit job (or volunteer, same end result) in something where you have no choice but to interact with women all day. you'll be more comfortable around them. and soon enough you may find yourself questioning your sanity for ever wanting to talk to them in the first place


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Pick up lines don't's all about charisma/confidence. Bottom line: Just go up and say "Hi" and let things go from there. From personal experience, making a girl laugh works the best!
:2 cents:

If a chick can see herself fucking you...almost anything you say will work. A chick being able to see herself fucking you is the 2nd fastest way and 90% of getting yourself ear time with a chick.

The first fastest way is a $20 bill in a strip club.:2 cents:
Just be funny. If you can make them laugh, that's always an excellent (and easy) start. Even if you're not that good looking, every girl likes a funny guy. Then it's about knowing when an arm touch (or whatnot) is appropriate and what kind of signal that will send to her. Another trick is if you can get her to say yes 3 times during a conversation (ACTUAL "yes"'s not "Do you hate me?" "YES" type answers...), you're heading in the right direction. :2 cents:

I'm actually in process of writing a book on this subject... :dunno: PM me if you want some tips! :glugglug:
being confidence and secure with yourself, be natural and at ease...know that not everyone will be into you and be completely OK with that