I forgot to tell you, tell the stewardesses to be gentle with you since it's your first time. :nanner:
I wish that still worked!
I have never been scared of flying even before I my first flight. I actually got my private license and some ratings beyond now.
I still am a passenger on occasion on MATS as well as comercial flights. I actually do get a little nervous because I KNOW how to fly and what should be going on as well as what shouldn't.
For example there is this airport in South Carolina with a forgetable name but a memorable short runway. I had to land there about 5 years ago on a comercial flight. the pilot hit the thrust reversers before the plane was on the ground, 200 feet before even reaching the runway. There is no sound quite like that sound so yea I got real nervous. I asked the pilot about that as I was 'deplaning', his response was that he has to or the plane would not be able to stop untill after it was INSIDE the airport.
bottom line pilots like being flown about as much as doctors like being operated on.