How many people in USA share your name?...

There are 389,959 people in the U.S. with my first name.
Statistically the 143rd most popular first name.

There are 35,996 people in the U.S. with my last name.
Statistically the 962nd most popular last name. (tied with 86 other last names)

There are 47 people in the U.S. with the same name as me.
My name is fucking common. Over 10,000 people share my first+last name.
*There are 3,000 people in the U.S. with the first name Layla.
*Statistically the 3176th most popular first name. (tied with 843 other first names)
*More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Layla are female

*There are 0 people in the U.S. with the last name


heheheh well thats cool i seen only 1 of me in the usa and 55,423 actually use my first name so ....

There are 6 people in the US called Jesus Christ!
There are 5 people called Fanny Love!
180 are called Mike Hunt :D (say it out loud)
4,991,477 people share my first name....statistically the 1st most popular name.
3,244 share my entire name

my last name is less popular at 194,980 putting it at 142nd, a 5 way tie.
335,965 Share my first name
74,992 Share my last name
84 My first and last
5,020 people in the USA with my it is very common :p
There is only 1 me.

Although there are 410,957 with the my first name. My first name is the 135th most popular first nameand 99.64% of the people with my 1st name are males. It says there are 0 people with my last name but I know that's BS 'cos I got lots of family here. Ther should be at least a 100 people with my last name.