How many people in USA share your name?...

* There are 245,974 people in the U.S. with the first name Kyle.
* Statistically the 263rd most popular first name. (tied with 3 other first names)
* 97.56 percent of people with the first name Kyle are male.


I eat redheads for breakfast
* There are 992,896 people in the U.S. with my first name.
* Statistically the 39th most popular first name.
* 99.7 percent of people with the my first name are male. (WTF?!)

* There are 16,438 people in the U.S. with my last name.
* Statistically the 2292nd most popular last name. (tied with 16 other last names)

* There are 54 people in the U.S with my name.


There are 0 people with my first name, spelld either the short way or the long way
410,957 share my last name, it is statistically the 49 most popular last name
This means that I am the only one in the Us with my name!!!!!!!!!

206,978 share my middle name though
There are 113,988 people who share my first name. :)
There are 2,820 people who share my last name. :)
And there's ONE people who share both my first and last name! :cool:
There are zero people with my last name. I don't know how to tell this to my father.
First--2,113,279 (statistically 10th most popular--99.65% are male)
Last--9,869 (statistically 3728th-tied with 18 other names)
For my wife:
Last--Same as above
Last--Same as above