There are 104,989 people in the U.S. with my first name
Statistically the 511th most popular first name. (tied with 3 other first names)
72.86 percent of people with my first name are female.
There are 4,110 people in the U.S. with my surname
Statistically the 8152nd most popular last name. (tied with 77 other last names)
There is 1 person in the U.S. sharing both my first name and my surname (not found what about my middle names).
80,992 people share my first name; 3,810 people share my last name; and according to them there is only 1 person with my full name (I wonder if they mean another person in addition to me or the one person is me because my dad shares my name as well but his middle name is different)
i knew my first name is popular, but my last name is far more popular than i would believe. but there are only two, i guess me and some one else that have the same full name. im special.
there is noone in the usa named babe ruth. and 40 named peter north.
887,907 people with my first name. the 46th most popular first name. 99.83 % people with my first name are male. Little odd seeing as my name is pretty much a guys name.