Did you know that theres a "Rate your Doctor" site too? I've already left a nasty review on my current GP (who I will no longer visit btw) but I'll be using it for future reference when I see future doctors.
If you had a professor that gave you a B instead of legitimately rounding it up to an A that professor sucks teh cocks. Unfortunately for me Rate My Professor didn't exist during my academic career. We had to actually network with other students face to face back then.
show up first day for syllabus and books you need. show up for the midterm. show up for the final. have you girlfriends drop off your papers on their due dates. you will have no worries or stress.
They don't fuck around anymore, at least in my experience. Not only do you start losing letter grades when You Miss X amount of classes, but if you don't participate, i.e. discuss/interact in class, they also hit you with that.
They don't fuck around anymore, at least in my experience. Not only do you start losing letter grades when You Miss X amount of classes, but if you don't participate, i.e. discuss/interact in class, they also hit you with that.
When you consider that a gigantic portion of the people go just to get a piece of paper that will allow them to get a better job and not for the actual education (Which often doesn't even teach that much more than you couldn't have learned quickly on the job.) it's much more understandable. It's probably not something I would do, but I can definitely see their point of view.