How long have you played video-games non-stop?

Damn you guys hardcore, the longest ive played was 5 hours and then my cerebellum fused and I was required to stop, it was some rpg with dragons and swords and sticks and 300 billion plot twists about dragons and fairies. And the characters were color coordinated just like the power rangers and their super power, powers?
I once played "Pirates!" on my Commodore Amiga for 18 hours...

Those were the days!
I'd say about 18-20 hours of Diablo II is probably the record for me. I don't play as much any more, and it's unlikely that I'd want to play for more than 10 hours without a serious break.
I remember when i got Final Fantasy VII for the PS one, i played for about 12 nonstop hours the first night i had it, followed by a few 6-7 hour sessions afterwards
Whenever I get the chance (and a good game) I'll sit for hours on end so it's not uncommon for me to do a good 5-6 hours at a time. My longest though would have to be about ten hours. It was GTA 3 and I ended up throwing up!!!:thumbsup:
Longest time i played a game was 24 hours...i had ready made snacks next to me, the game was San Andreas, the only otha game to get close to that was Midnight Club 3 : Dub Edition (22 Hours) i cant play no more bcoz the laser in my playstation is fucked!
When I have a new good game, I play it for a long time non-stop. For example, I started to play bully at 11:00 AM and stop at 1:00 AM. However I took a break for lunch and supper.
this is going back to the apple II, before the pc. a game called wasteland, my friend and i played for a little under 48 hrs, taking turns but basically seated in front of that primative color screen almost the whole time. we worked in shifts and there was some "resting my eyes". technically, i guess it doesn't qualify as non-stop, but it's amazing, because most of your body is at rest, with only the hands, eyes, and possibly the brain working, so sleep isn't really *neccesary*


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10 hours. When i started playing, it was light outside, when i stopped playing... it was light outside again.

I completely missed an entire night!

Since then i never play that much, kinda put me off.

(It was counter strike by the way, online)


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I've never played any. I do bowl once in awhile on POGO multiplayer game and play "Tumble Bees "(a solo speed spelling game). About a hour maybe max at each. Does that count? :D

Damn, and I thought a whole day, from waking up at 8 to going to sleep at midngiht, playing Final Fantasy VII was long, you guys take the cake.