How long can you abstain from ejaculation? Post the number of days it's been.

not very long (as in less than a day)... it was bad before i was put on test boosters to heal my shoulder... now it just downright silly.


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How long has it been since I started this post? I'm wondering how much of that time was spent spanking the monkey? The truth would be detrimental to my self esteem.
The longest I remember was 4 weeks in a row. I was traveling throughout Europe and it wouldn't have been very comfortable.
Depends on circumstances. Normally I go for 1 day in between, but it all depends on my mood or what ever. Sometimes I can go a few days, sometimes a week, last year I went 7 weeks without because I went on holiday abroad. So it really depends on what i'm doing, but normally it's 1 or 2 days.
I tried it once earlier this year I think or was it last year. I made a thread about it on here haha. I lasted five days before my balls felt like they would explode if I didn't do something about it. Then when I was googling something I came across a picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar and I lost it completely. Out of the window went the five day hold off. Funny thing is, even though Sarah is gorgeous. I've never whacked off to her before. Not until that time anyway. Then when I was posting in that thread I made, before I stated I had failed and done the deed. Someone thought they would be funny and tempt me with posting pictures of Jessica Alba and Kristen Stewart and someone else I liked. They posted too late as it was over with haha. Good job too as if I'd seen those photos it would definitely have been over.
The longest I have abstained is a holiday I went on the summer before last when I stayed on a friend's floor in his small flat which is virtually a studio - he sleeps in what amounts to an underhang so I was sleeping on the floor beneath. I was there for two weeks, and if memory serves me correctly my outbound journey began on a Saturday and I returned to England on a Wednesday, which means I went 18 days without. I went down the knocking shop practically straight off the plane, and nearly drowned the poor lass when I popped.


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It has been two years since I have started this post, and for two years I have not abstained from ejaculation for more than a week.

What next?