You guys are confusing “preference” with “dislike or exclusivity”. A “preference” denotes a leaning towards, not exclusivity. If someone “prefers” coke over pepsi, that doesn’t mean that they would NEVER, ever drink pepsi to save their life. It just means that given the “option”, they would choose coke. If not, then that means they hate (or dislike) pepsi. You can apply the same concept to race. There’s a huge difference between saying “I would NEVER have sex with someone of a certain ethnicity/race”, as opposed to saying “I generally prefer (or are more attracted to) x-race, but that’s not to say that I wouldn’t be with y-race or z-race”.I totally agree with this. How can a person change what type of people they are sexually attracted to? It's something that is in your mind as a result of your genetic programming and your life experiences. Are gay men being sexist against women because they're not attracted to them?
Or is it a battle of semantics? Is it correct to state: "I'm not attracted to black women."? Or is it more correct to say, "I have never seen a black woman I have been attracted to."? Do you really have to leave that door open that you might see one in the future that attracts you? Or is it just racist either way?
If not being attracted to another race at all is racist, then I daresay by some people's definition racism must be something people can be born with!
This is what people just can't seem (or don't want) to understand. It's like back in the day when people didn't want to believe WWF/WWE wrestling was fake. People just don't get it. This “choice” often has nothing to do with what the girl is into or attracted to. Unless you’re Jenna Jameson, the girl doesn’t have the option to bring whoever she wants to fuck to the set that day and do whatever she pleases on camera. She has to agree to fuck the guys provided to her, and do the type of scene the director wants. You guys get so blinded by your fantasies that you forget that this is a business. These girls are performers. You think every girl is attracted to every guy she does a scene with? You think every girl that does anal gets turned on by it? You think every girl gets turned on by getting her face slapped, spat on and sprayed with cum? I hate to destroy your fantasy, but the answer is NO. Some of you need to wake up and face reality. I’ve been on the sets. I know how it goes down.Since when has shooting porn been about doing someone that you're into and sexually attracted to?
Maybe they aren't sexually attracted to different races. It doesn't necessarilly mean that they are racist.
Golden rules?Sounds like a convienent metaphor for not discussing inconvienent for some truths.
If that's the case, then there really ought to be no problem with the OP making this thread. It seems to me that a reminder that there have been threads like this in the past is a veiled way of saying this poster's contribution to the board is unwelcome, because the veterans will have to 'endure' it all over again.
I myself won't go into this subject again. This board is full of these threads, most of which have been locked.
They always head in the wrong direction it seems. Its not encouraged to discuss race discrimination here at all really. :dunno: I even think its somewhere in the golden rules? Could be wrong though. Since I'm not a mod and have only read the rules.
Maybe they aren't sexually attracted to different races. It doesn't necessarilly mean that they are racist.
Pretty racist if you ask me.
Depending on the context, I could agree with you here. And you do make some good points. HOWEVER… this is not, and has never been about what these girls find attractive. This whole “maybe they’re just not attracted to black people” notion is something that people try to throw in as “justification” for why a certain star may not do interracial. That might fly in someone’s “personal life”, but not in porn. Girls aren’t always physically attracted to the guys they fuck in porn. So if you’re not physically attracted to a white guy, but will still do a scene with him… then why is it different for a black guy?? I know why, and everyone else knows why too. I only wish people would stop trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.Hearkening back to my previous post, combined with what xxaru and friday had to say, I've come to a conclusion. Beyond just semantics, there is indeed a distinction between saying something like "I'm not attracted to black women." and saying "I've never seen a black woman who I was attracted to."
I'm willing to agree that it could be racist to say the former in some instances. However, when you've seen thousands of black women in your life and weren't attracted to any, isn't it awfully easy for someone to conclude that they just "aren't attracted to black women"? My point is, someone saying that they aren't attracted to a certain race doesn't have to indicate racist meaning or that someone is a racist. Perhaps they just didn't say EXACTLY what they meant?
And what difference does that make? If I interact with Asians in my personal life, but refuse to work with them or hire them in my company, does that make me any less discriminating towards them?correct me if I'm wrong but all we have here is that Ashlynn won't do IR on screen right?
there's no mention whatsoever about her and non-whites in RL.
people with a silent H in their last name, etc.
I think its a personal preference and I respect it.
If guys say that they think girls with blonde hair are hotter then brunettes is that discrimination?
If girls don't think its hot to do interracial its fully up to them. Its their body.
Go back and re-read my posts. This issue has nothing to do with attraction. That is NOT why girls in this industry choose not to do interracial. No girl is going to be physically attracted to every guy they shoot with.Such issues as IR are personal choice. I myself am attracted to ladies of all races bar African, and if I was a pornstar would probably not do a scene with one. Its not racism, I am just not attracted to them.
Go back and re-read my posts. This issue has nothing to do with attraction. That is NOT why girls in this industry choose not to do interracial. No girl is going to be physically attracted to every guy they shoot with.
As anyone on this board can vouch for it...What do you think of...
Yes it is their choice and I don't think anyone is saying it should not be.Just as if you did not wish to work or live in a place predominately minority that would be a choice you are allowed to make also.The question I guess is if you did feel that way is would it say anything about your attitudes about people of another race.But at the end of the day, isn't it up to the women who are doing the work as to whether they'll work with one person/height/race/hair color/etc.?
Calling it a preference or choice is really just a semantic difference IMO.As I said before some would say I just prefer or choose to not live or work with minoritys.I certainly don't dispute your notion that no girl is going to be physically attracted to every guy they shoot with, but the use of "racist" and "discrimination" is so overdone anymore. How about "preference" and "choice"? I believe that's what most of it is.
This part sounds very much like something I said in an earlier post in this thread.That the very existence of a category such as interracial plays on racial attitudes.The pertinent part from my earlier post:Another thing to consider is that when it comes to IR porn, most (not all) seems centered around black men with"white MILFs", "white asses", "white bitches", and then there's my favorite "your daughter's fucking a black dude" (a title that used to be WAY more ugly). Isn't it just as bad the way these white women are regarded and marketed in that stuff?
It's never much bothered me to see it, watch it, or know that other people really get into it. Hell, in my personal life, I've even been a part of it! I just wish it wasn't marketed as so crude a thing.
While I respect you disagreeing with me and I respect your right to voice your opinion. Don't however twist my words to send a non existing message to members that SKIM these threads not read them. I do find that offensive. I did not say that.