How can the New Orleans Saints genuinely call themselves world champions?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
We were right and they were wrong :thumbsup:

And then you conceded the status of world champion to the Saints. :thumbsup:


Amercia needs a reality check. They are just 5% of the world's population.
If the rest of the world decided to eat them all there wouldn't even be
enough to go round. :2 cents:


Aren't you a Scot? Fine football team they got?:thumbsup:

If you say so , I think there shit but if you think Scotland are a fine team then so be it....................

I will just sit here and laugh at you.........:tongue::thumbsup:
This is the rant of a sexually fustrated virgin trying to prove hes a man...............

I like to think this thread has been good natured with people taking the piss on both sides

SO fuck off kid , come back when yr balls drop:thefinger

20 year old lol I have pushed better out the way , just to get into a fight :rofl:

Wait , wait...............................Jett , is that you? Please hold up a back to front bit of paper with your name on it & get that Pamela Anderson tattoo back on show & WE DEMAND FUZZY PICS OF AVERAGE NON NUDE GIRLS YOU PROMISED:rofl:

Wow your pathetic. Get a life loser.


You love people that hate you just because of where you are from?
No, so fuck 'em.
I said that about haters not the entire world.

That's fair enough, mate. ;)

If someone told me they hated all British people I would be interested to know why? I would ask. They may have a fairly valid reason. You'll never know useless you ask. That's the way I look at it but then I'm not a very patriotic person. I'm only really interested in people who are sensible and respectful that is what's important to me. :glugglug: