How Bad Is Your Short-Term Memory?

Reminds me of a text I had on New Year's :

Happy Easter and all the best for 1982! See you all for the bonfire on Wednesday, don't forget your swimsuits!

my short term memory is just fine.
my short term memory is just fine.
Man, you double posted this.
Boy, you double posted this.

Fuckin' hell, this is a serious White Hole.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I don't trust my memory. Random guessing works pretty well though. 95%.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
What was the question?
Ever open your browser looking to google something simple, and then 2 hrs later you find yourself in a search rabbithole, and you still haven't looked up your original search?