How Are High Gas Prices Effecting You.....

Is the current high price of gas having any changing effects upon your lifestyle?

I know I won't be taking any roadtrips across the country this summer, but then again I never do.:D
As far as the commute to work goes, I drive a company car with an assigned gas card so they pay for my fuel.

But these prices do suck!
The price of fuel here in the UK is fucking scandalous! It is now on average 97pence per litre ($1.76)
I promised to drive my sister and her young family away on holiday in a few weeks, it will work out over 380 miles when I pick her up again, and its going to cost a fortune in fuel.
The government MUST relax the tax on fuel now!
I drive less, make fewer trips and consolidate them as much as possible. It's outrageous. Even more ridiculous are the "analysts" claiming it's not effecting us. BS.
It doesn't because I hardly drive around anywhere. In case I do I guess I will just have to create a car like the Flintstones had to get around.


Here in the Northern California Bay Area it is an average $3.50 a gal. I guess i'll have to dust off the old mini-bike and start taking that to work....
Leave the gas-guzzler at home, no gear-heading :(


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I am one of the fortunate few who are able to submit my gasoline receipts for reimbursement by my company. It's a huge perk but even still I am trying to be frugal with my fuel consumption. Just because you don't have to pay for gas doesn't mean you can burn up as much as you want. Plus, I drive a car that gets very good mileage instead of some ridiculously gluttonous vehicle like an Expedition or Hummer.

However, I am seriously impacted by the ripple-effect that high petroleum prices are bringing to our everyday lives. So many products we depend on are derived from petro-chemicals or their by-products. The overall influence on world economies could be devastating if this monster continues to spiral out of control.

Bummer.....:( :( :(


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Bicycles, folks! I commute twenty-five miles - and not only am I in great shape for it, but I'm not paying for a car, for insurance, or for gas.

Granted, I live in a very bike-friendly area - I know not all places are. But! The more people that get on a bicycle, the more places will become more bicycle friendly.

There's this commercial on TV I've seen a few times - it's for a hospital. It shows a healthy future, with vending machines dispensing apples, and this fella reading a newspaper that has an artcle called "Looking back: Obesity", as if it doesn't exist anymore. The final image, though - the one that really gets me - is an entire freeway occupied by bicyclists.
Bicycles, folks! I commute twenty-five miles - and not only am I in great shape for it, but I'm not paying for a car, for insurance, or for gas.

Granted, I live in a very bike-friendly area - I know not all places are. But! The more people that get on a bicycle, the more places will become more bicycle friendly.

There's this commercial on TV I've seen a few times - it's for a hospital. It shows a healthy future, with vending machines dispensing apples, and this fella reading a newspaper that has an artcle called "Looking back: Obesity", as if it doesn't exist anymore. The final image, though - the one that really gets me - is an entire freeway occupied by bicyclists.

major problem with bikes are....cold weather...rain and snow and not to mention riding them in the dark (even with a light) very least here in the north east.....

but out in L.A. I will bet the amount of drive bys really drops....
I live in an area thats not always safe to just walk around in.

I never learned how to ride a bike when I was little cause I could never afford one.

I dont go out as much, my brother moved out but he cant visit very much cause he needs the money for gas to go to work and cant afford to come here.

Once I do start making money and get a car I wont be able to travel much because it costs to much to drive around traveling.

Im a fucking hermit cause if I go out more than 1 time a day its hard to afford food for the day.
well i use the train to get to uni anyway, so i continue to catch it..... i save about 2000 AUD to 3000 AUD a year by doing that.... however that money has gone to other pleasures and things :p

I drive still but not for stupid short trips like the local shops for a carton of milk and bread..... that is plain stupid. I walk to get that stuff as the shops are only 200 metres away.
The price of fuel here in the UK is fucking scandalous! It is now on average 97pence per litre ($1.76)
I promised to drive my sister and her young family away on holiday in a few weeks, it will work out over 380 miles when I pick her up again, and its going to cost a fortune in fuel.
The government MUST relax the tax on fuel now!

In US money ---

1 US gallon = 3.7854118 liters

1.76 X 3.7854118 liters = 6.66232477

Round it off --- its $6.66 . Spooky? That's crazy money.
It's actually more in Sweden as part of the tax goes to alternative energy research. In the US that would mean big CEO bonuses.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
They don't affect, 'cause i got no vehicle that require gas.