I just knew Fox would love this thread that's why I PM'd him!!!
And Kelly, I'm with you on the "CENSORSHIP" issue, :thumbsup: I'm a Photographer, mostly Portfolio's, of single gals just starting out. I don't want anyone trying to step on my toes, cause if they do, I like to smash the foot so to speak!!! :violent:
I'm currently engaged in legal fight, that I started, against the BBFC.
They wanted 42 minutes cut from a video I made that didn't even have any sex in it.
What gets me is that the video is a combination foot fetish/Sissy video. There is no real sex in it at all. Just some girls making men dress up in women's clothes and then sticking their feet or shoes in the guy's ass while he jerks off on himself.
Tame at as you can believe! But it's different and I get so pissed off because just across the stream, in France, I could sell Zoo and scat videos at a Flea Market. The only complaint I would get from the goverment is if I have my business registered for taxes.
I'm a real tough cookie that deals in hard facts and believes in being ruthlessly blunt when it comes to business. (I'm in business to make money not be everyone's friend)
So having acknowledged that part of my personality...
Let me say I really don't want to appear that I'm slapping the British people. But it drives me nuts that I get sooo many people that just shrug and ask when the "re-edited version" will be released?
42 minutes isn't a re-edit...
It's a re-shoot.
So for now I'm having it dubbed and I'm just going to dump it in France to cover the cost of production.
So if I appear to have no sense of humour about some issues....
Wel at least everyone knows where I'm coming from.