Homey don't play that! Homey the Clown!

How awesome is this clown!? Just thought I would bring you yet another forgotten gem in TV history. :)



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I like "Blotto the Clown" better. Tell me the name of the band that played that tune and I'll give you a prize. Honestly, I'll be more surprised that you knew or were able to find out than anything else. They were an indie metal band from Texas back in the nineties. (not Pantera).
No one else likes Homey :(

I love Homey the Clown. That and Fire Marshall Bill from Living Colour. I was a little young when it was on, so I don't remember all the skits. But I remember laughing at him.

Too bad these days if I ever say "Homie Don't Play Dat!" everyone just looks at me like I'm retarded or something.
How awesome is this clown!? Just thought I would bring you yet another forgotten gem in TV history. :)

3 snaps up!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

I loved this great show. A true classic. :D
It also featured Jim Carrey before he became an international super star.
He was very funny too as the only white man in the main cast. :bowdown:


Rep to you, sir. :hatsoff:

BTW I don't think many of the board regulars are old enough to remember this show. ;)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I used to love that show, Handiman was pretty funny too.
Homey the Clown was one of the highlights on a show that was literally stocked with talent and with amazing humor. Homey the Clown and Men on Films were hilarious!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Whimsy, sadly i shall have to spread some rep around before i can hit you again for these gems!

But I will do it right now!!!!
I've still got lots of episodes on old fashioned VHS. :surprise:
This was a must watch in my house. Go ~~W~~ :hatsoff:
As a child my cousins and some of the adults even used to bop each other on the head and say "Homey don't play that game" if anyone did anything dumb.
Gotta love Homey D. Clown. Such a funny bit!

As far as recurring skits that I loved on that show, I would have to go with Calhoun Tubbs:
I remember alot of kids wearing Homey shirts in grade school. Always figured a Homey the Clown movie would get made. I mean, fucking Stuart Smalley got a movie but not the clown that doesn't mess around? :facepalm:


You know what?

FUCK the MAN. :2 cents: