Homeowner shoots, kills intruder

Cho and Harris were puny little shits that would've been overpowered before that managed to stab anyone. Unless you have your gun in your hand ready to shoot you stand more chance of survival if your attacker has a knive or bat
Nice contradiction there... and thanks for proving my point - if even one student/teacher had a gun; are you telling me the outcome couldn't have been better? Couldn't an armed student/teacher have shot the perpetrator before things got REALLY out of hand?

I suspect you'll say "yes" - but that's also because I suspect you don't really KNOW the 'average' gun owner.

and I've never heard of a mass killing by a baseball bat.
A. If someone DID achieve a "mass killing via baseball bat", would you outlaw baseball bats too?
Would most of these people even have gone on a killing spree if all they had at their disposal was a knive and the people they hated were big strong guys?
Strawman clutching at other strawmen straws! Wow! This is a rare phenomenon!

I'm not trying to criticize America or any of your amendments
Sure you aren't! You're morally better than us - of course you cant! Which is why....
but it actually pains me when so many people are killed (families lose their sons/daughters/husbands/wives/fathers/mothers) when an individual flips over what is often something so trivial, and I'm not even American. ps There was 152 innocent people killed in that list I made above, by just 11 nutcases over things that shouldn't be a matter of life and death. :2 cents:
You're so pained over what you're sure should have been a "preventable tragedy". And yet, you're not trying to criticize America.... riiiight. I have a bridge to sell if you're interested...

Again this is dependent on you pulling your gun out before they do and 9 times out of 10 they'll beat you to it
Well aren't you the firearms and self defense expert!
they're criminals it's their job :rolleyes:
How many criminals have you faced down recently? How many have you put under citizens arrest?
Here's a tip: Just because they are criminals doesn't mean "they are good at what they do".

And like I said, someone buys a gun for protection and something bad happens to that person that gun can quickly change purpose. :2 cents:
How come you never consider "thanks to them buying the firearm something GOOD happens to that person"?
On one end, a lot of innocent people get harmed or killed by them.
More "innocent people" die from car accidents each year. Hell, more kids are injured/killed from swimming pools/bath tubs each year than fire arms.

Where are the gangs of activists asking for the ban on automobiles, pools and tubs?

Not only that, but in most home-invasion scenarios the homeowner gets shot by their own weapon because they don't really know how to use it.
Says you. I disagree. Just because the media reports is doesn't mean it's true. And just because the media doesn't report is doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Think I'm talking outta my ass? Ok, just HOW many news reports have you read in the past month regarding "defensive gun use" (as in homeowner shot someone intruding on property with or without malicious intent) ???

So on that note, they should be a bit more controlled than they are.
A. Why should they be more controlled than they are? Even assuming that 99% of gun owners are idiots and don't know how to handle their guns [which is laughably untrue - but let's assume it for argument's sake]; why punish the rest 1% of us? It's like saying: Of the ten of you, 9 people violated clean air law by driving filthy automobiles while 1 person didn't because he drove an advanced automobile with converters and other apparatus. Therefore, all ten of you are to be fined for violating the law.
B. Who should be the one doing the "bit more controlled than they are?" You? The County? The State? The Feds?

How about -- The Constitution?

But the main reason I support the right to bear arms is because of the original intention of the US government when enacted. It is not to protect oneself from one another or to so we can go hunting. It is the right to protect yourself from your government or any other government that tries to invade.
I agree to an extent. While that was ONE OF THE primary purposes of the IInd Amendment - it wasn't all. See, by claiming THAT reason as the ULTIMATE rationale, the IInd Amendment argued that "the right to self defence" (by keeping and bearing arms) was an inalienable, individual right!

Militias played an important part during the early time of the US, so citizens needed to have easy access to guns.
Needed to have access to guns? No!!! Nooo! Sorry my friend, but 'the People' HAD guns. Always had. Always did. A "militia" was simply a grouping of the local folks - who were already ARMED. See?

The founders of the constitution gave us these rights because they just overthrew the government who controlled and oppressed them.
No. No. Noooo. NOOOO!
As the DECLERATION itself states and is furthur reinforced BY the Constitution - RIGHTS ARE INALIENABLE! THAT means - NO ONE GIVES YOU RIGHTS! You have RIGHTS just by virtue of being BORN! END OF STORY! You are a human being - you have rights!

from wiki: [George Mason argued the importance of the militia and right to bear arms by reminding of England's efforts "to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them . . . by totally disusing and neglecting the militia." He also clarified that under prevailing practice the militia included all people, rich and poor. "Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers."]
(emphasis mine) "The Militia include the whole people!" Even the ENEMY said so! So WHY does our government today refuse to acknowledge and accept it?

So it is not really surprising that a majority of British people today do not support gun rights. Maybe because the British government has seen what happens when they let their people have guns. Remember, back then most Americans considered themselves British. So while it is good that there are less deaths by shootings in the UK, it is too bad they cannot have some means to defend themselves from their government if it becomes tyrannical.
I agree. I think that the vast majority of Britons have been lulled into a sense of false security - about their Crown, about their Parliament, about their economy ... and most of all, about their "money". Is a "Pound Sterling" STILL WORTH an ACTUAL "POUND STERLING"???
Cho and Harris were puny little shits that would've been overpowered before that managed to stab anyone. Unless you have your gun in your hand ready to shoot you stand more chance of survival if your attacker has a knive or bat
Nice contradiction there... and thanks for proving my point - if even one student/teacher had a gun; are you telling me the outcome couldn't have been better? Couldn't an armed student/teacher have shot the perpetrator before things got REALLY out of hand?

I suspect you'll say "yes" - but that's also because I suspect you don't really KNOW the 'average' gun owner.

and I've never heard of a mass killing by a baseball bat.
A. If someone DID achieve a "mass killing via baseball bat", would you outlaw baseball bats too?
Would most of these people even have gone on a killing spree if all they had at their disposal was a knive and the people they hated were big strong guys?
Strawman clutching at other strawmen straws! Wow! This is a rare phenomenon!

I'm not trying to criticize America or any of your amendments
Sure you aren't! You're morally better than us - of course you cant! Which is why....
but it actually pains me when so many people are killed (families lose their sons/daughters/husbands/wives/fathers/mothers) when an individual flips over what is often something so trivial, and I'm not even American. ps There was 152 innocent people killed in that list I made above, by just 11 nutcases over things that shouldn't be a matter of life and death. :2 cents:
You're so pained over what you're sure should have been a "preventable tragedy". And yet, you're not trying to criticize America.... riiiight. I have a bridge to sell if you're interested...

Again this is dependent on you pulling your gun out before they do and 9 times out of 10 they'll beat you to it
Well aren't you the firearms and self defense expert!
they're criminals it's their job :rolleyes:
How many criminals have you faced down recently? How many have you put under citizens arrest?
Here's a tip: Just because they are criminals doesn't mean "they are good at what they do".

And like I said, someone buys a gun for protection and something bad happens to that person that gun can quickly change purpose. :2 cents:
How come you never consider "thanks to them buying the firearm something GOOD happens to that person"?
In France, a few moths ago, a retired guy was having a nap when two intruders broke his home. He woke up, called the police and waited. Then he took his hunting rifle and hid in a room. When the two intruders (who were gypsie women) opened the door, he shot. They were injured lying on the floor, so he called the police again and told them to hurry, he told them that he had shot the intruders. When the police arrived, they hand-cuffed the old man and brought him to the police station, he is currently in prison and is waiting for his trial. The two women were sent to hospital, they were healed and they are now free.
France is probably the lamest and most stupid country ever and I live there. Fuck it!
How come you never consider "thanks to them buying the firearm something GOOD happens to that person"?

R/N you really fucked yourself now with all those quotes of the person you were replying to (so people would know who and what you were talking about obviously). You have to be care not to quote the wrong wimp with membrane-like skin here for fear they will march down on your IP address whining about it.:2 cents:

In France, a few moths ago, a retired guy was having a nap when two intruders broke his home. He woke up, called the police and waited. Then he took his hunting rifle and hid in a room. When the two intruders (who were gypsie women) opened the door, he shot. They were injured lying on the floor, so he called the police again and told them to hurry, he told them that he had shot the intruders. When the police arrived, they hand-cuffed the old man and brought him to the police station, he is currently in prison and is waiting for his trial. The two women were sent to hospital, they were healed and they are now free.
France is probably the lamest and most stupid country ever and I live there. Fuck it!

Sounds like the guy made out...prison is probably a far better sentence than having the gypsies hounding him about it for the rest of his life.