I'll agree with you dirk and so does probably 99% of the British public. Although I respect all views on this matter I personally feel gun ownership should be a privelege held by the police and the army and maybe school campus/bank security guards. In the UK it's extremely rare for an innocent person to get killed by a gun, those that wish to go through the lengthy and risky process of acquiring one (normally a crappy modified one at that) are normally bank robbers or gang members who wish to take out other gang members, people caught with guns face lengthy jail terms so criminals think twice about whether they want one or not. I know I or my friends/family might get beaten or in a rare case stabbed over here (there has also been a clampdown on knive ownership) but virtually no chance of being shot.
Secondly I don't see much case for it being a defensive mechanism, this is only the case if you draw your gun first and take out the robber before he gets you. The guy in this story was lucky and he woke up, but how often does a homeowner shoot dead a robber in comparison to how often a robber/serial killer shoots dead an innocent victim, I think you'll find more innocents die than criminals when guns are legally available.
Lastly people here say that they are law abiding citizens and need guns to protect themselves from 'criminals', however I think the line between stable and unstable is rapidly deteriorating. How many people of late have gone from seemingly law abiding citizens to mass gun killings in the blink of an eye, those affected by divorce, those who have lost their homes, those who have lost all their money, those who have lost their jobs, kids being bullied at school the list is endless. Anyone in a moment of anger and rage is capable of anything and you put a gun in their reach in can quickly turn from a defensive weapon to an offensive and with the economy and society (ie broken homes) the numbers of those depressed and angry is rapidly increasing. Just a few names that come to mind are:
Hastings Arthur Wise (Killed 4 over losing his job)
Marcus Wesson (Killed 9 of his daughters whilst the police stood outside)
Standard Gravure shooting (Shooter with a long history of psychiatric illness kills 9 inc himself)
Binghamton shootings (Angry worker kills 14 inc himself)
Chai Vang (6 people dead over a deer stand)
Steven Sueppel (Himself, Wife and Four kids over money probs)
There's loads more (I went through about 10% of the below list) again by seemingly law abiding citizens on innocent people so forgive me if I see little positives over a solitary case where the robber gets killed before he can do any damage. I recently posted two stories about a guy who went on a killing spree over stolen beer and another guy who killed a load of people over the way his eggs were cookedThis is just my opinion and I won't try and talk anyone else out of theres. :2 cents:
The scum face lengthy sentences here on this side of the pond as well.Our jails really are packed right now, as far as the statistics presented to me detail.