Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

The Mummy

I knew he was old.. and famous, but.. DAMN!

He speaks French, Italian, Spanish and German and can "get along" in Swedish, Russian and Greek.

Sorry, was browsing IMDB and wiki (one references the other oftentimes) and just happened upon this information. Amazing stuff, considering he's still around and doing well in hollywood.


Closed Account
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!


The Mummy

I knew he was old.. and famous, but.. DAMN!

He speaks French, Italian, Spanish and German and can "get along" in Swedish, Russian and Greek.

Sorry, was browsing IMDB and wiki (one references the other oftentimes) and just happened upon this information. Amazing stuff, considering he's still around and doing well in hollywood.

Are you joking, fella? Lee's a Master of Horror, along with Price, Cushing and Karloff.

Now go and purchase your Hammer Horror box sets, pronto!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

Are you joking, fella? Lee's a Master of Horror, along with Price, Cushing and Karloff.

Now go and purchase your Hammer Horror box sets, pronto!

I apologize thoroughly, I had no idea!

Me and horror? Oil and water! I respect the genre for its innovation and seperation from traditional hollywood bullshit.. but I just never had a taste for it. My roomie over the years (on and off, he's been a friend or a roomie.. good guy, slightly strange. ;)) has turned me on to various series and movies.. Feast, house of 1,000 corpses, chainsaw massacres and such..

Yet I've never grown quite fond of the genre. For every awesome flick there are 10 disapointments. Still, it certainly stands respectfully as a righteous artform in the face of hollywood bullshit like.. Gigi or Kill Bill volume 2. lmao
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

You didn't know Christopher Lee had played Dracula? Not once, or twice, but Lee played Count Dracula MANY times for Hammer. He's been in so many great, old horror movies, he's definitely one of the all time greats.

There's a movie out there made in the early 80s, which isn't a really good movie itself, but it does have Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Vincent Price, and John Barrymore in it, called "House of Long Shadows". It's watchable just to see those four together.

And if you haven't checked it out, make sure to check out Mr. Lee as Francisco Scaramanga- one of the best James Bond villains EVER.




Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

House of Long Shadows, 4 seeds, 1 leecher. Consider it d'l'ed.

Ahem, in a few days perhaps.


Closed Account
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

Try some of the old Hammer Films and Amicus: Curse of the Werewolf (Oliver Reed) Dracula 1958 I think with Lee and Cushing, those two were quite serious but as Hammer matured they became much sillier - but still brilliant: Scars of Dracula, Taste the Blood of Dracula and Dracula has Risen from the Grave are great fun. Really cliched and OTT.

Probably the stupidest ever are The Devil Rides out and The House that Dripped Blood.

Cushing did a few good Frankensteins - I think there's about one serious one and loads of sequels. Also there's a cool Hound of the Baskervilles with Cushing as Holmes.

Oh, and John Hurt makes a brief appearance in The Ghoul circa 1970.

But beware: watch out for up to the minute and groundbreaking special effects!! That's partly what made Hammer virtually a genre in its own right!!

Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

Lee is absolutely legendary.........don't 4get about his awesome portrayal as Saruman in the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy..........epic


Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

Alrrrrrrrrrrrrready knew it. Great actor. And he's English too ;)
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

Try some of the old Hammer Films and Amicus: Curse of the Werewolf (Oliver Reed) Dracula 1958 I think with Lee and Cushing, those two were quite serious but as Hammer matured they became much sillier - but still brilliant: Scars of Dracula, Taste the Blood of Dracula and Dracula has Risen from the Grave are great fun. Really cliched and OTT.

You made me think of something I saw once, where Christopher Lee was giving some interviews about Hammer flicks, and I remember him talking about his working relationship with Peter Cushing. He was saying that the directors used to get annoyed with them, because he and Cushing were prone to "Fits of laughter", because those movies were really quite silly, and so they would just laugh at how ludicrous it all was. :D

Probably the stupidest ever are The Devil Rides out and The House that Dripped Blood.

I actually like "House that dripped Blood", but it is quite silly. If you want to see a fairly good anthology movie like that, I'd recommend "From Beyond the Grave" (Stars Peter Cushing, and has Donald Pleasance and his daughter Angela in it), or even "Tales from the Crypt", from around 1970. Also, look up many of the episodes of the TV series "Night Gallery", hosted by Rod Serling.

Cushing did a few good Frankensteins - I think there's about one serious one and loads of sequels. Also there's a cool Hound of the Baskervilles with Cushing as Holmes.

I love that version of the Holmes classic! It's a bit hokey, but heck- it's Cushing and Lee in a Sherlock Holmes movie!

But beware: watch out for up to the minute and groundbreaking special effects!! That's partly what made Hammer virtually a genre in its own right!!

I have a great book about the makeup from the Hammer flicks- it's got a bunch of great stories about the makeup from the movie. Brilliant stuff!



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

When I think of Dracula, I think of Bela Lugosi.
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

The great Christopher Lee was in Star Wars? :dunno:

(i.e. too small a movie for such giants as Lee, Guinness and Cushing)
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

Dont forget The Wicker Man probably his best film.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

I think Torre is taking the piss.


Actually I havent even finished my first drink today.

(That is what you mean, right? Either drinking or joking.. my EuroSlang isnt quite up to snuff)

::runs that all thru a cockney translator for shits and giggles::


i fin' torre is takin' the bloody Gypsy Kiss. -cs™
actually I ain't even finished me Damien Hirst Tiddley Win' today. (that is wot ya mean, wite? either drinkin' or jokin'.. me euroslang aint quite up ter snuff) ::runs that aw thru a cockney translator for Two-Bob Bits and giggles::
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!


The Mummy

I knew he was old.. and famous, but.. DAMN!

He speaks French, Italian, Spanish and German and can "get along" in Swedish, Russian and Greek.

Sorry, was browsing IMDB and wiki (one references the other oftentimes) and just happened upon this information. Amazing stuff, considering he's still around and doing well in hollywood.

He's eternal he even looks better than Harrison Ford so does the guy that does Palpatine


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

He was also the judge in Sleepy Hollow :thumbsup:
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

When I think of Dracula, I think of Bela Lugosi.

same as I think Boris Karlof as Frankenstein's monster. but Lee is still pretty cool.
Re: Holy shit, Christopher Lee (count dooku in star wars) was the mummy and dracula?!

He's a great actor, he has a great role as Francisco Scaramanga in the MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN.

Don't forget, he was also in LORD OF THE RINGS as Saruman